Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] geboren te Dussen ca. 1719 overleden te Dussen op donderdag 02-09-1773
ondertr. te Dussen op 09-11-1746 getrouwd te Dussen op 22-11-1746 met Adriaantje HOLLANDER [3763] gedoopt te Meeuwen op zondag 04-05-1721 overleden te Meeuwen op dinsdag 16-04-1754 dochter van Cornelis HOLLANDER [7595] en van Jenneke van der STEEL [7596]
Margrietha [3764] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 05-03-1747 overleden te Meeuwen op zaterdag 15-09-1827
getrouwd met (²) SOOREN [8574]
Jenneken [3765] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 27-10-1748 overleden te Meeuwen op donderdag 11-03-1751
Cornelia [3766] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 12-04-1750 overleden te Meeuwen op dinsdag 02-05-1752
getrouwd (2) te Dussen op 13-10-1754 met Jenneke van der PLAS [876] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 17-11-1720 overleden te Dussen op vrijdag 09-03-1810 dochter van Kuyndert Ariens van der PLAS [3771] en van Jenneken Hendrika van der PUNTEN [3772]
Dirk KLOOTWIJK [3767] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 16-01-1757 overleden te Dussen op woensdag 06-06-1838
Jenneken KLOOTWIJK [3768] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 25-03-1759 overleden op woensdag 23-05-1759
Jenneken KLOOTWIJK [3769] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 01-03-1761 overleden op zaterdag 06-08-1763
Jenneken KLOOTWIJK [3770] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 19-02-1764 overleden op zaterdag 07-09-1799
Teunis KLOOTWIJK [877] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 26-01-1766, arbeider overleden te Dussen op zondag 17-04-1842
, volgt IId.
Deze familietak start te Dussen rond 1719. Misschien is Teunis afkomstig van de oude Dordtse tak, maar dit is nog onduidelijk. Zeker in het begin werd de naam "van Klootwijk" gebruikt. Deze tak heeft veel nakomelingen in de USA.
Bronnen: Prot Trouwen Dussen 1745-... blz. 66/77, Doopboek RK Dussen 1648-1810 [876], dit alles n.a.v. onderzoek van Bert van Kootwijk, Huwelijksbijlagen Meeuwen 1820.
Bronnen: Prot Trouwen Dussen 1745-... blz. 66/77, Doopboek RK Dussen 1648-1810 [876], dit alles n.a.v. onderzoek van Bert van Kootwijk, Huwelijksbijlagen Meeuwen 1820.

Bron: Dopen en trouwen (Nederduits gereformeerde gemeente)
1721 Als ouders van Adriaantje HOLLANDER(S) [3763] komen eigenlijk alleen Cornelis HOLLANDER en Jenneke van der STEEL in aanmerking. Bij de doop van Ariaantje op zondag 4 mei 1721 Meeuwen is tante Grietje Hollander getuige.
Bron: Meeuwen DTB's 1629-1810
Bron: Meeuwen DTB's 1629-1810

1810 Jenneke KLOOTWIJK [7366] wordt ook genoemd Jenneke van Klodewijk. Haar geboortedatum is niet bekend. Het is ook mogelijk dat zij dezelfde is als Jenneken KLOOTWIJK [3770] gedoopt te Dussen op 19-02-1764 overleden op 07-09-1799 maar dan klopt de ovl.datum niet. In ieder geval wordt bij het huwelijk van haar zoon Teunus aangegeven dat zij in 1810 overleden is. Bij het huwelijk van haar zoon in 1810 wordt zij als moeder en als grootouders worden Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] en Jenneke van der PLAS [876] genoemd.

"Eenparig hebben verklaard; bij eigen verklaring en bij overlevering zoals welke weten dat Janneke van Klodewijk [7366] des verzoekers moeder den een en derstigsten December van den jare achtien honderd tien te Dussen is overleden.
Dat Teunis van Klodewijk in den jare zeventien honderd drie en zeventig den derden september en janneke van der Plas den negenden maart achtien honderd tien grootouders van moeders zijde van den verzoeker beide te Dussen zijn gestorven.
Dat dit hunlieden ....... daar geene formele extracten uit de registers van overlijden en bewijzen is aangezien in de Gemeente Dussen geene dusdanige registers van dien tijd te secretarij aanwezig zijn.
Waarvan acte door de comparanten benedend ons en onzen ..... van gedane voorleezing geteekend.
T v Kloodewijk, G van Kooten, Arnoldus van Turnhout, A v Krimpen, Jan Bruys"

1938 Dirk KLOOTWIJK [3767] is op 06-06-1838 te Dussen ongehuwd overleden.
Aalbert van KLOOTWIJK [4022] gedoopt te Meeuwen op zondag 16-04-1752
zoon van Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773) en van Adriaantje HOLLANDER [3763] (1721-1754)
ondertr. te Almkerk op 14-07-1786 getrouwd te Almkerk op 06-08-1786 met Segerina Willemdr GROENEVELT [4023] geboren te Emmichoven , gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 04-12-1757
Adriaantje [4024] geboren te Almkerk op maandag 20-08-1787, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 26-08-1787
Teunis [4025] geboren te Almkerk op zondag 29-03-1789, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 05-04-1789
Adriaantje [4026] geboren te Almkerk op dinsdag 04-09-1792, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 09-09-1792
Willem [4027] geboren te Almkerk op zondag 22-12-1793, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 29-12-1793
Willem [4028] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 06-12-1794, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 14-12-1794
Adriaantje [4029] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 06-12-1794, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 14-12-1794
Bronnen: Dopen Almkerk NH 1786-1792, 1773-1811.
Kuindert KLOOTWIJK [3546] gedoopt te Dussen op maandag 26-05-1755
zoon van Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773) en van Jenneke van der PLAS [876] (1720-1810)
ondertr. te Almkerk op 21-02-1788 getrouwd te Almkerk op 16-03-1788 met Antonia de KONING [3547]
Hijltje [3773] geboren te Almkerk op donderdag 24-03-1791, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 27-03-1791
getrouwd te Almkerk op 10-05-1816 met Willem DEKKERS [1276] geboren te Hardinxveld op vrijdag 08-07-1785 zoon van Pieter DEKKERS [1278] en van Geertruij PROPER [1279]
Johannes [3774] geboren te Almkerk op dinsdag 31-07-1792, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 05-08-1792
Jannigje [3775] geboren te Almkerk op maandag 28-10-1793, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 03-11-1793
, volgt IIIb.
Bronnen: Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA, en uitzoekwerk van Bert van Kootwijk.
Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3548] geboren te Almkerk op woensdag 22-10-1788, boer en dijkwerker
zoon van Kuindert KLOOTWIJK [3546] (1755-) en van Antonia de KONING [3547]
getrouwd te Kedichem op 30-01-1818 met Niesje SCHREUDERS [3549] geboren ca. 1795 dochter van Mattijs SCHREUDERS [5666] en van Pleuntje van der WIEL [5667]
Kuindert [3550] geboren te Kedichem op zondag 07-06-1818 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 24-03-1885 (66 jaar)
, volgt IVa.
Matthijs [7490] geboren te Almkerk ca. 1820 overleden te Almkerk op woensdag 17-10-1821
Pleuntje [3551] geboren te Almkerk op dinsdag 22-01-1822 overleden te Little Rock,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 28-03-1913 (91 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) GOEMAAT [3580]
Antonia [7491] geboren te Almkerk ca. 06-1824 overleden te Almkerk op donderdag 22-07-1824
Matthijs [5669] geboren ca. 1825 overleden te Kedichem op donderdag 26-11-1840
Antonia [3552] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 08-03-1828 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op maandag 11-11-1912 (84 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) VERRUS [3581]
Elizabeth [5668] geboren te Kedichem op zondag 02-05-1830 overleden te Kedichem op vrijdag 07-12-1832 (2 jaar)
Johanna [3553] geboren te Kedichem op zaterdag 03-11-1832 overleden op zaterdag 16-07-1910 (77 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) den BOER [3582]
Johannes [3554] geboren te Kedichem op zaterdag 10-12-1836 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 16-11-1917 (80 jaar)
, volgt IVb.
Het lijkt er op dat het gezin in 1847 in de nieuwe wereld aankwam. In de Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s zien we in 1847 te Baltimore aankomen: Antonia Van Klootwyk, Johanna Van Klootwyk, Johannes Van Klootwyk, Kuindert Van Klootwyk, Pleuntje Van Klootwyk, en Teunis Van Klootwyk.
Als achternaam wordt in de akten veelal "van Klootwijk' gebruikt.
Kuindert is in 1885 begraven op begraafplaats Graceland te Pella.
Bronnen: BS huw Kedichem 1818-1, BS geb Kedichem 1818-3, 1830-8, 1832-17, 1836-17, BS ovl Kedichem 1832-11, 1840-10, opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA.
Als achternaam wordt in de akten veelal "van Klootwijk' gebruikt.
Kuindert is in 1885 begraven op begraafplaats Graceland te Pella.
Bronnen: BS huw Kedichem 1818-1, BS geb Kedichem 1818-3, 1830-8, 1832-17, 1836-17, BS ovl Kedichem 1832-11, 1840-10, opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA.

Kuindert KLOOTWIJK [3550] geboren te Kedichem op zondag 07-06-1818 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 24-03-1885 (66 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3548] (1788-) en van Niesje SCHREUDERS [3549] (1795-)
getrouwd te Marion,Iowa,USA op 17-11-1857 met Cornelia van RHEENEN [7809]
Aagje KLOOTWYK [7810] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 1856
getrouwd te Marion,Iowa,USA op 08-02-1879 met Pieter van NIEUWPOORT [7811] geboren ca. 1859
getrouwd (2) te Marion,Ohio,USA op 19-03-1861 met Geertruid BOSVELD [3579] geboren ca. 1825
Bronnen: BS geb Kedichem 1818-3.

Johannes KLOOTWIJK [3554] geboren te Kedichem op zaterdag 10-12-1836 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 16-11-1917 (80 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3548] (1788-) en van Niesje SCHREUDERS [3549] (1795-)
getrouwd te Pella,Iowa,USA op 01-08-1860 met Gezenna Marie Mathilda KRIJNDERS [3555] geboren ca. 1839
Johanna (Josephine) [3556] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 02-07-1861 overleden op zondag 18-06-1939 (77 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) KALDENBURG [3583]
Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 11-08-1865 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 04-06-1938 (72 jaar)
, volgt Va.
John William KLOOTWYK [3558] geboren te Iowa,USA op vrijdag 16-10-1868 overleden op vrijdag 08-06-1928 (59 jaar)
, volgt Vb.
Niesje [3559] geboren op donderdag 16-12-1869 overleden op vrijdag 28-01-1944 (74 jaar)
getrouwd (2) te Pella,Iowa, USA op 20-03-1879 met Alida Pieternella Jacoba KEEGEL [3576] geboren te Rotterdam op zaterdag 11-04-1846 dochter van Pieter Jacobus KEEGEL [7245] en van Henriette SIJBRANDS [7246]
Cornelius van KLOOTWYK [6993]
John Mellie van KLOOTWYK [6994]
Ella van KLOOTWYK [6996]
Matthew van KLOOTWYK [6985] geboren op woensdag 26-03-1879 overleden op dinsdag 06-02-1962 (82 jaar)
, volgt Vc.
Nellie van KLOOTWYK [7238] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 09-1881
getrouwd te Pella,Iowa, USA op 23-12-1913 met John VEENSTRA [7242] zoon van (²) VEENSTRA [7243] en van (²) den BURGER [7244]
Kuindert (Cornie) KLOOTWYK [7813] geboren te Marion County,Iowa,USA op maandag 04-02-1884 overleden te Iowa,USA op 08-1963
getrouwd met Martha Marie van BAALE [8723] geboren te Iowa,USA op 12-1886 overleden te Monroe,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 09-04-1926 getrouwd (2) op 27-08-1927 met Emma UITERMARKT [8724] geboren te Mahaska,Iowa,USA op maandag 19-10-1885 overleden te Oskaloosa,Iowa,USA op zondag 18-06-1978 (92 jaar) dochter van Gerrit UITERMARKT [8725] en van Julie MORGEL [8726]
Alida van KLOOTWYK [7240] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 01-1888
Pleuntje [7241] geboren te Iowa ca. 04-1891
Johannes komt voor in de 1870 US census in Pella (roll 409 page 180). In de Census records van 1870 zien we verder: Gehena, 31 jaar, huisvrouw, Teunis 5 jaar, schoolgaand, William, 2 jaar, nog thuis, Niesje, 0 jaar, nog thuis, en Johanna, 9 jaar, schoolgaand en NICHT van de familie. Johanna is in Pella geboren in 1861, maar toen waren de echtelieden nog niet in Amerika. Johannes en Gezenna kwamen namelijk in 1865 naar de USA.
Bronnen: BS geb Kedichem 1836-17, Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA, Census US 1870.
Bronnen: BS geb Kedichem 1836-17, Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA, Census US 1870.

Toegangsnummer: 999-01 Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam, geboorteakten, Inventarisnummer: 1846A, Folionummer: a242, Aktenummer: 1846.961

Het gezin woonde in Pella, Marion, Iowa, USA
Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 11-08-1865 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 04-06-1938 (72 jaar)
zoon van Johannes KLOOTWIJK [3554] (1836-1917) en van Gezenna Marie Mathilda KRIJNDERS [3555] (1839-)
getrouwd te Marion,Iowa,USA op 18-12-1888 met Mary de BONT [3571] geboren te Iowa,USA op vrijdag 13-05-1870 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA op zondag 23-10-1904 (34 jaar)
John Henry KLOOTWIJK [3584] geboren op vrijdag 28-06-1889 overleden op vrijdag 29-09-1961 (72 jaar)
, volgt VIa.
Fred White [3586] geboren te Mahaska,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 17-02-1891, boer overleden op vrijdag 21-09-1951 (60 jaar)
, volgt VIb.
William John [3588] geboren te Killduff,Iowa,USA op woensdag 29-03-1893, Boer overleden op maandag 24-10-1966 (73 jaar)
, volgt VIc.
Henry John KLOOTWIJK [3590] geboren op vrijdag 11-10-1895 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa, USA op maandag 15-03-1971 (75 jaar)
, volgt VId.
Harmon [3592] geboren op vrijdag 11-10-1895 overleden op donderdag 11-02-1960 (64 jaar)
getrouwd op 04-03-1920 met Eva Pearl CROY [3593] geboren op dinsdag 30-11-1897 overleden op donderdag 17-11-1983 (85 jaar)
Lester Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3594] geboren op maandag 28-08-1899 overleden op maandag 07-04-1980 (80 jaar) , begraven te Knoxville,Iowa,USA
, volgt VIe.
Clarence [3596] geboren te Mahaska,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 11-01-1902 overleden op maandag 11-01-1971 (69 jaar)
, volgt VIf.
getrouwd (2) te Pella,Iowa,USA op 29-11-1906 met Neeltje TOL [3560] geboren te Barendrecht op dinsdag 13-07-1880, (weduwe van Engelshoven) overleden te Dallas,Iowa,USA op donderdag 07-09-1911 (31 jaar) dochter van Arie TOL [8731] en van Arendje ZEVENBERGEN [8732]
Ira Nelson KLOOTWIJK [3561] geboren te Washington Twnsp,IA,USA op zondag 27-09-1908 overleden te Sunnyvale,California,USA op zondag 01-10-2000 (92 jaar)
, volgt VIg.
KLOOTWIJK [3562] gedoopt op dinsdag 05-04-1910 overleden op maandag 02-05-1910
Nelson Tunis KLOOTWIJK [3563] geboren te Washington Twnsp,IA,USA op zaterdag 15-07-1911, onderhoudsman overleden te Denver op dinsdag 01-01-1991 (79 jaar)
, volgt VIh.
ca. 00-00-1917 met Minnie van STEENIS [3572] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 19-02-1870 overleden te Dallas,Iowa,USA op donderdag 14-10-1920 (50 jaar) dochter van Hubert van STEENIS [8805] en van Maggie VERMEER [8806]
ca. 00-00-1925 met Nancy SCHAFT [3573]
ca. 00-06-1928 met Mary VERHEUL [3574] geboren op 1869, (weduwe Rein Terpstra) overleden op 1943
Teunis is overleden in het Maters Hospital in Knoxville, Ioha. Teunis en Nelltje zijn beide begraven op het Graceland in Ioha. Nelltje kwam in 1897 (op 17 jarige leeftijd) naar Amerika en was eerder gehuwd met John van Engelenhoven.
Bronnen: Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA.
Bronnen: Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA; Pat Klootwyk, Hesperia, CA USA.

Bron: De Grondwet 1 november 1904 pag. 5.

Voor beide partners was het het tweede huwelijk, Nellie was hiervoor gehuwd met een ENGELHOVEN.

1930 Tijdens de volkstelling van 1930 woonde Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3557] samen met zijn vrouw Mary (VERHEUL) [3574] te Knoxville, Marion, Iowa. Teunis was 64 en Mary was 61.

Deze steen staat op Graceland Cemetery, Pella, Marion County, Iowa, VS

Tunis Van Klootwyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Klootwyk was born at Pella, Iowa, August 11, 1865 and died June 4, 1938 at the Mater hospital in Knoxville, Iowa.
He was married to Mary DeBont in 1886 and to this union, seven sons were born, John of Gilby, N.D., Fred of Knoxville; William of Grinell, Henry and Harmon of Knoxville, Lester of Indianola and Clarence of Knoxville.
In 1906 he married Mrs. Nellie Engelhoven who was deceased in 1911. To this uniun three children were born, Ira of Chicago, Ill, Nelson of Des Moines and one son dying in infancy. He also leaves one stephson John Engelshoven of Oskaloosa and one steph-daughter Alice Engelshoven of Chicago, Ill.
On june 21, 1928, he was united in marriage to Mrs Mary Terpstra of Monroe, who survives him.
He leaves 24 grandchildren and five brothers and six sisters, besides many other relatives and friends.
His entire life was spent in Marion county, living on a farm six miles south of Dallas until he retired in Dallas later moving to Knoxville where he resided until his death.
He was a quiet unassuming man of frugal habits and provided well for his family, all of whom were present during his last illness. He was a kind husband, a devoted father, a true friend and a good neighbor, always ready to lend a helping hand to all who were in need of distress.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 oçlock, Monday, at the Christian church conducted by Rev. M. M. Pigg Internant at Pella.
John Henry KLOOTWIJK [3584] geboren op vrijdag 28-06-1889 overleden op vrijdag 29-09-1961 (72 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd op 09-10-1918 met Clara GULLIKSON [3585] geboren op dinsdag 22-10-1895 overleden op vrijdag 23-08-1985 (89 jaar)
Robert John KLOOTWYK [7749] geboren te North Dakota,USA op donderdag 22-01-1920 overleden op woensdag 25-07-1979 (59 jaar)
, volgt VIIa.
(²) KLOOTWYK [7750]

(Bron: www.findagrave.com
Robert John KLOOTWYK [7749] geboren te North Dakota,USA op donderdag 22-01-1920 overleden op woensdag 25-07-1979 (59 jaar)
zoon van John Henry KLOOTWIJK [3584] (1889-1961) en van Clara GULLIKSON [3585] (1895-1985)
getrouwd op 23-02-1943 met Janice Rose FRANKLIN [7751] geboren te Bowesmont,ND,USA op zaterdag 13-09-1924 overleden te Bismarck,North Dakota,USA op dinsdag 03-05-2005 (80 jaar) dochter van (²) FRANKLIN [7752] en van (²) HARRIS [7753]
Joel Kim [7762] geboren op dinsdag 14-06-1949 overleden op dinsdag 14-06-1949

Photo thanks to Robert KLOOTWYK [7758]

Bron: Find-A-Grave

2005 Overlijden van Janice Rose FRANKLIN [7751] de weduwe van Robert John KLOOTWYK [7749] op 3 mei 2005.
Janice Rose Klootwyk, 80, Bismarck died May 3, 2005, in a Bismarck hospital. Services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Bismarck Funeral Home with the Rev. Allen Wagner officiating. Burial will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Gilby Cemetery, Gilby.
Janice was born Sept. 13, 1924, in Bowesmont, the daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Harris) Franklin. She spent her adolescent years in Gilby, and was married to Robert Klootwyk Feb. 23, 1943, in Grand Forks. Janice spent the next several years as a military wife while Bob trained to be a pilot in the Army Air Corps. After raising her family, she pursued a career selling fine women's apparel. Her style was classic in all respects, from her dress to her relationships with her family and friends. She will be held in loving memory by all. Janice's home was always a gathering place and her warmth and hospitality were legend. She was a dedicated wife, mother and homemaker, and had a special love for her grandchildren. The great loves of her life were Bob, her family and her books.
She is survived by daughters, Margo (Gary) Huber, Bismarck, and Kathryn (Larry) White, Bowman; sons, Robert (Jan) Klootwyk, Mesa, Ariz., Bruce (Deb) Klootwyk, Bismarck; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Elizabeth (Gary) Grzadzielewski, Ardoch; and her sisters-in-laws, Dorothy Franklin, Grand Forks, and Marilyn Nelson, Gilby.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert; her parents; an infant son, Joel; her brother, Jerry Franklin; and sister, Yvonne Dewey.
Janice Rose Klootwyk, 80, Bismarck died May 3, 2005, in a Bismarck hospital. Services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Bismarck Funeral Home with the Rev. Allen Wagner officiating. Burial will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Gilby Cemetery, Gilby.
Janice was born Sept. 13, 1924, in Bowesmont, the daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Harris) Franklin. She spent her adolescent years in Gilby, and was married to Robert Klootwyk Feb. 23, 1943, in Grand Forks. Janice spent the next several years as a military wife while Bob trained to be a pilot in the Army Air Corps. After raising her family, she pursued a career selling fine women's apparel. Her style was classic in all respects, from her dress to her relationships with her family and friends. She will be held in loving memory by all. Janice's home was always a gathering place and her warmth and hospitality were legend. She was a dedicated wife, mother and homemaker, and had a special love for her grandchildren. The great loves of her life were Bob, her family and her books.
She is survived by daughters, Margo (Gary) Huber, Bismarck, and Kathryn (Larry) White, Bowman; sons, Robert (Jan) Klootwyk, Mesa, Ariz., Bruce (Deb) Klootwyk, Bismarck; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Elizabeth (Gary) Grzadzielewski, Ardoch; and her sisters-in-laws, Dorothy Franklin, Grand Forks, and Marilyn Nelson, Gilby.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert; her parents; an infant son, Joel; her brother, Jerry Franklin; and sister, Yvonne Dewey.

(²) KLOOTWYK [7760]
zoon van Robert John KLOOTWYK [7749] (1920-1979) en van Janice Rose FRANKLIN [7751] (1924-2005)
getrouwd met (²) [7761]
(²) [7763]
Fred White KLOOTWYK [3586] geboren te Mahaska,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 17-02-1891, boer overleden op vrijdag 21-09-1951 (60 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op 24-02-1915 met Ethel Lydia SUTHERLAND [3587] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zondag 08-03-1896 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 08-04-1975 (79 jaar) dochter van George W. SUTHERLAND [8733] en van Luella HARDMAN [8734]
Winifred [7648] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 05-05-1916
Mary Elizabeth [7649] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 13-02-1917
Mary Elizabeth [8735] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zondag 03-02-1918
Robert Arthur [7650] geboren te Iowa,USA op maandag 29-12-1919 overleden te Pleasantville,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 13-08-1993 (73 jaar)
, volgt VIIb.
Lester Carl [7713] geboren te Franklin,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 19-12-1922 overleden op dinsdag 21-08-2001 (78 jaar)
getrouwd op 27-06-1952 met Mary Madelyn BURKE [7730] geboren te Ottumwa,Iowa,USA op donderdag 07-09-1916 overleden te Des Moines,Iowa,USA op donderdag 01-03-2001 (84 jaar)
Ralph George [7714] geboren te Iowa,USA op maandag 25-11-1929 overleden op maandag 07-01-2019 (89 jaar)
, volgt VIIc.

Ze woonden in de Washington, Marion, Iowa, USA.
Er zijn geen inwonende kinderen geregistreerd.
Zie volledig blad
Robert Arthur KLOOTWYK [7650] geboren te Iowa,USA op maandag 29-12-1919 overleden te Pleasantville,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 13-08-1993 (73 jaar)
zoon van Fred White KLOOTWYK [3586] (1891-1951) en van Ethel Lydia SUTHERLAND [3587] (1896-1975)


1942 Robert Arthur KLOOTWIJK [7650] was tweemaal in actieve dienst: van 26 Aug 1942 - 1 Mar 1946 (WO II) en 27 Sep 1950 - 29 Jul 1951 (Korea)

13-08-1993 Overlijden van Robert Arthur KLOOTWIJK [7650] op 13 augustus 1993
Robert Arthur Klootwyk, 73, of Pleasantville died of a heart attack Friday at home. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at First United Methodist Church in Knoxville, with burial at Graceland Cemetery there.
Mr. Klootwyk, a lifelong Marion County resident, was a retired nurse's aide at Veterans Medical Center in Knoxville. He was an Army veteran of World War II and the Korean War.
Survivors include his wife, Darlene [7718]; two daughters, Freida Hoyt [7719] of Pleasantville and Lila Fast [7720] of Knoxville; two brothers, Ralph [7714] of Knoxville and Lester [7713] of Des Moines; four sisters, Doris Marshall [7717] of Knoxville, Esther Schnicker [7715] of Mount Pleasant, Dixie Larpenter [7716] of Des Moines and Dorothy Smith [7712] of Southport, Fla.; and two grandchildren.
Friends may call after 10 a.m. today at Williams Funeral Home in Knoxville, where the family will be present from 6 to 8 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Pleasantville Rescue Unit or the Pleasantville Senior Citizens Center.
Headline: Obituaries, Publication Date: August 15, 1993, Source: The Des Moines Register, Page: 7, Subjects: Region: Iowa
Robert Arthur Klootwyk, 73, of Pleasantville died of a heart attack Friday at home. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at First United Methodist Church in Knoxville, with burial at Graceland Cemetery there.
Mr. Klootwyk, a lifelong Marion County resident, was a retired nurse's aide at Veterans Medical Center in Knoxville. He was an Army veteran of World War II and the Korean War.
Survivors include his wife, Darlene [7718]; two daughters, Freida Hoyt [7719] of Pleasantville and Lila Fast [7720] of Knoxville; two brothers, Ralph [7714] of Knoxville and Lester [7713] of Des Moines; four sisters, Doris Marshall [7717] of Knoxville, Esther Schnicker [7715] of Mount Pleasant, Dixie Larpenter [7716] of Des Moines and Dorothy Smith [7712] of Southport, Fla.; and two grandchildren.
Friends may call after 10 a.m. today at Williams Funeral Home in Knoxville, where the family will be present from 6 to 8 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Pleasantville Rescue Unit or the Pleasantville Senior Citizens Center.
Headline: Obituaries, Publication Date: August 15, 1993, Source: The Des Moines Register, Page: 7, Subjects: Region: Iowa

Pleasantville - Funeral services for Darlene Klootwyk of Pleasantville were held on Monday, Nov. 22, 2010 at the Mason Funeral Home with Pastor Jeff Flagg officiating. Burial followed in Graceland Cemetery. Musical selections were shared by Midge Brooks, organist and Bonnie Crook & Mona Hansaker, vocalist, singing "How Great Thou Art". A CD of "On the Wing's of Dove" was also shared. Those serving as casket bearers were; Arland Jolly, Roger Mott, David Baldwin, Ralph Klootwyk, Larry Bybee and Dennis McNearney.
Phyllis Darlene Klootwyk was born on June 25, 1926, at the family home in Knoxville to Henry Ivan McVay and Ethel Imagene (Smith) McVay.
As a child, Darlene worked for the North End Grocery after school and on weekends. She graduated from the Knoxville High School with the class of 1944. Following graduation Darlene worked for the Bellamy Telephone Company until she was united in marriage to Robert Arthur Klootwyk at the First United Methodist Church in Knoxville on June 29, 1947. Darlene and Robert lived in Knoxville until making their home on a farm outside of Pleasantville in 1970. They then moved to town in later years.
Darlene was very active in the community; she worked at the Pleasantville Senior Center, taught Sunday School, was on the Greenwood Cemetery Board and helped with the food pantry. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church and later joined St. Paul's United Methodist Church after moving to Pleasantville. Darlene was also a member of the UMW and the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
She enjoyed doing crafts, cross stitching and cooking and canning from her own garden. She also cherished the time spent with her grandkids and attending their activities.
Darlene passed away on Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 at her home at the age of 84 years.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert; a son, Lance Corporal Robert Ivan Klootwyk; and a brother, Richard McVay.
She is survived by her daughters, Lila Jean (Robert) Fast of Knoxville, Freda Darlene (Brent) Hoyt of Pleasantville; grandchildren, David Edward Fast of Urbandale, Elizabeth Darlene Hoyt and Kaylene Marie Hoyt of Pleasantville.
For those desiring, memorial contributions may be made to St. Paul's United Methodist Church, the Pleasantville Senior Center, or Hospice of Central Iowa. Online condolences may be left at bertrandfuneralhomes.com

(²) [8283]
(²) [8284]

boven: Kent KLOOTWYK [8285], Brian KLOOTWYK [8287], Stephen KLOOTWYK [8282], Joel KLOOTWYK [8283], Randol KLOOTWYK [8284]
onder: Ralph George KLOOTWYK [7714], Pauline NICHOLS [8281], Sue KLOOTWYK [8286]

November 25, 1929 - January 7, 2019
Ralph was born at his family farm home on November 25, 1929, in Marion County, Iowa to Fred and Ethel (Sutherland) Van Klootwyk.
Ralph attended rural schools until 7th grade, when his family moved to a Pleasantville area farm. He graduated from Pleasantville High School with the class of 1948.
He served with the U.S. Army during the Korean War in 1951 and received a hardship discharge. Ralph was united in marriage to Pauline Nichols on August 10, 1952 at the First United Presbyterian Church in Knoxville. They shared 66 years of marriage and were blessed with six children: Stephen, Joel, Randol, Kent, Sue and Brian. Ralph's pride and joy was his family. In 1952, he started his career at the Knoxville Veteran's Hospital and retired after 33 years, in 1985. During his service, he was awarded several certificates of achievement.
In 1952, he started his career at the Knoxville Veteran's Hospital and retired after 33 years, in 1985. During his service, he was awarded several certificates of achievement. While working at the VA Hospital, and farming, Ralph also served on the board of directors at Knoxville Coop for 9 years. He was a member of Marion Co. Pork Producers, the Marion Co. Farm Bureau, Pleasantville Alumni Association, and The National Association of Retired Federal Employees. He volunteered with Helping Hands and the home delivery of senior meals. Ralph also worked for the Knoxville Public Transportation.
Ralph had good faith and was a longtime active member of the First Presbyterian Church and served on the session board. He coached Little League baseball and was a leader of the White Breast Beavers 4-H club, organizing and helping 4-H'ers with their projects. He was inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame on August 21, 2005 at the Iowa State Fair for 40 years of outstanding volunteer service and dedication to 4-H.
Ralph's hobbies included an antique "B" J.D. tractor, which was restored and displayed at "Pioneer Days" and other community events. He drove it in several parades, including the 1990 Knoxville Nationals parade, with his family. He enjoyed watching Knoxville High School baseball, basketball, volleyball and football games. He was also a fan of the Hawkeyes and Cyclones. Ralph will be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
Ralph began his eternal life on January 7, 2019, with family at his side. He suffered with heart disease and cancer for over 30 years in a good natured, quiet, and determined manner. In 1954, he was baptized and confessed that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior.
Those left to cherish Ralph's memory include his wife, Pauline, his children, Steve (Carla) Klootwyk of Knoxville, Sue (Dan) Gardner of Crawfordsville, Kent (Ronia) Klootwyk of Emmetsburg, Randy Klootwyk of Coralville, Joe Klootwyk of Knoxville, and Brian (Kelly) Klootwyk of Knoxville; three sisters, Esther (Dick) Schnicker of Mt. Pleasant, Dixie Larpenter of Des Moines, and Doris Marshall of Knoxville; sixteen grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; and a host of friends.
Ralph is preceded in death by his parents; his sisters, Winifred, Mary, and Dorothy; and his brothers, Robert and Lester.
A visitation for Ralph was held on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville. A funeral service was held on Friday, January 11, 2019 at 10:30 A.M. at the First Presbyterian Church. Burial services followed at Graceland Cemetery in Knoxville.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given in Ralph's memory to the Marion County
4-H Foundation and the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville.
Published on January 14, 2019

Bron: Find-A-Grave

Pauline Klootwyk was born at the Nichols Family Farm on July 13, 1932 east of Dallas in Marion County, Iowa to William and Fern (Dainty) Nichols. Pauline attended rural schools until high school when the family moved to Knoxville, Iowa. She was baptized April 3, 1947 at the First Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Iowa. She graduated from Knoxville High School in 1950. Pauline was united in marriage to Ralph Klootwyk on August 10, 1952 at the First United Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Iowa. They shared 66 years of marriage and were blessed with 6 children, Stephen, Joel, Randol, Kent, Sue and Brian. She was a model homemaker and was known for her wonderful home cooked meals and treats.
Pauline’s pride and joy was her family. Pauline’s greatest ambition was that her children and grandchildren continue close family ties. Pauline had good faith and was a longtime active member of the First Presbyterian Church. She was the church custodian for many years.
Pauline will be remembered as a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She had a beautiful smile and witty sense of humor. Pauline began her eternal life on October 12, 2019 with family at her side. Those left to cherish Pauline’s memory include her children, Steve (Carla) Klootwyk of Knoxville, Joe Klootwyk of Knoxville, Randy Klootwyk of Coralville, Kent (Ronia) Klootwyk of Emmetsburg, Sue Klootwyk of Iowa City, and Brian (Kelly) Klootwyk of Knoxville; one sister, Jerri Kingery of Indianola; one sister-in-law, Pat Nichols of Knoxville; sixteen grandchildren; 37 great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Pauline is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Ralph Klootwyk; brothers, Harold, Leonard and Donald; and sisters, Maxine and Margery. In Lieu of flowers, memorials may be given in Pauline’s memory to the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville.
(²) KLOOTWYK [8282]
zoon van Ralph George KLOOTWYK [7714] (1929-2019) en van Winifred Pauline NICHOLS [8281] (1932-2019)
getrouwd met (²) [8288]
(²) KLOOTWYK [8287]
zoon van Ralph George KLOOTWYK [7714] (1929-2019) en van Winifred Pauline NICHOLS [8281] (1932-2019)
(²) [8296]
(²) [8297]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)
William John KLOOTWYK [3588] geboren te Killduff,Iowa,USA op woensdag 29-03-1893, Boer overleden op maandag 24-10-1966 (73 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd op 05-04-1916 met Christine Myrtle NELSON [3589] geboren ca. 1894 overleden op woensdag 13-12-1972
Donald Teunis [4060] geboren te Gilby,North-Dakota,USA op maandag 18-11-1918 overleden te Westminster,CA,USA op zondag 18-01-1970 (51 jaar)
, volgt VIId.
LeRoy William [4066] geboren te Gilby,North-Dakota,USA op dinsdag 25-07-1922 overleden te Las Vegas,Nevada,USA op maandag 25-05-1998 (75 jaar)
, volgt VIIe.
Evelyn [4064] geboren te Gilby,North-Dakota,USA op woensdag 30-01-1924
getrouwd op 01-08-1942 met Robert WALKER [4065]
Frederick Max [4081] geboren te Newton,Iowa,USA op zondag 26-09-1926, loodgieter overleden te Yavapai,Arizona,USA op dinsdag 23-10-2012 (86 jaar)
, volgt VIIf.
Ruth Ann [4095] geboren te Newton,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 30-08-1929 overleden te Newton,Iowa,USA op woensdag 10-11-2004 (75 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) HAMMER [4096]

1917 Uit de militaire registratie t.b.v. de eerste wereldoorlog blijkt dat William John Klootwyk [3588] boer is ("farming') en werkt op het bedrijf dat hij van zijn vader pacht. Hij heeft blond haar en blauwe ogen.

Ze woonden in de Chester, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA. En William en zijn vrouw werkte op de boerderij waar ze woonden.
Zie volledig blad
1966 Volgens de SSDI is William overleden in oktober 1966 en was zijn laatste woonplaats; 92655 (Midway City, Orange, CA).

Plot: Sec 1 Lot 70 Block 2.
Donald Teunis KLOOTWYK [4060] geboren te Gilby,North-Dakota,USA op maandag 18-11-1918 overleden te Westminster,CA,USA op zondag 18-01-1970 (51 jaar)
zoon van William John KLOOTWYK [3588] (1893-1966) en van Christine Myrtle NELSON [3589] (1894-1972)
getrouwd op 08-04-1944 met Agnes Adeline MEHRTENS [4061] geboren op donderdag 15-12-1921 overleden ca. 05-1985
(²) [4062]
Donald Frederick [4063] geboren te Astoria,Oregon,USA op woensdag 17-11-1948 overleden op maandag 14-09-2020 (71 jaar) , begraven te Spring Lake,NC,USA
Bronnen: Opgave Pat William Klootwyk [4071], SSDI 485-03-6945.

Donald zat in het leger, Agnes is geboren in Duitsland.
1966 Het huwelijk tussen Donald Teunis KLOOTWYK [4060] en Agnes Adeline MEHRTENS [4061] is in augustus 1966 te Los Angeles ontbonden.
LeRoy William KLOOTWYK [4066] geboren te Gilby,North-Dakota,USA op dinsdag 25-07-1922 overleden te Las Vegas,Nevada,USA op maandag 25-05-1998 (75 jaar)
zoon van William John KLOOTWYK [3588] (1893-1966) en van Christine Myrtle NELSON [3589] (1894-1972)
getrouwd op 05-10-1944 met Irene Adela MILLER [4067] overleden te Las Vegas,Nevada,USA op dinsdag 06-09-1994
Keith Lee [4077] geboren te San Bernardino,CA,USA op maandag 30-01-1956 overleden te Denton,Texas,USA op zaterdag 19-02-2011 (55 jaar)
, volgt VIIIe.
Judy Ann [4080] geboren te San Bernardino,CA,USA op zaterdag 26-10-1957 overleden op donderdag 25-01-1973 (15 jaar)
Bronnen: Opgave Pat William Klootwyk [4071].

Ze woonden in de Chester, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA. En William en zijn vrouw werkte op de boerderij waar ze woonden.
Zie volledig blad
(²) KLOOTWYK [4071]
zoon van LeRoy William KLOOTWYK [4066] (1922-1998) en van Irene Adela MILLER [4067] (-1994)
8 objecten niet weergegeven (²)
Keith Lee KLOOTWYK [4077] geboren te San Bernardino,CA,USA op maandag 30-01-1956 overleden te Denton,Texas,USA op zaterdag 19-02-2011 (55 jaar)
zoon van LeRoy William KLOOTWYK [4066] (1922-1998) en van Irene Adela MILLER [4067] (-1994)
getrouwd te Reno op 30-09-1984 met Linda L. HESS [4078] geboren ca. 1956 overleden te Santa Rosa,California,USA op zaterdag 11-09-1993 dochter van (²) HESS [8728] en van (²) [8729]
Bronnen: Opgave Pat William Klootwyk [4071].
(²) KLOOTWYK [4079]
zoon van Keith Lee KLOOTWYK [4077] (1956-2011) en van Linda L. HESS [4078] (1956-1993)
getrouwd met (²) YATES [7640]
(²) [7641]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

getrouwd op 05-10-1947 met Gretchen Virginia UMBERGER [4082] geboren te Oskaloosa,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 07-04-1928 overleden te Cottonwood op maandag 20-09-2010 (82 jaar) dochter van (²) UMBERGER [7223] en van (²) RICHMOND [7224]
David Keith [4091] geboren te Grinell,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 21-10-1952 overleden te Cottonwood op zondag 27-02-2011 (58 jaar)
, volgt VIIIg.
getrouwd (2) met (²) [7850]
Bronnen: Opgave Pat William Klootwyk [4071].

Ze woonden in de Chester, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA. En William en zijn vrouw werkte op de boerderij waar ze woonden.
Zie volledig blad
2010 Gretchen Klootwyk 1928 - 2010
Gretchen Klootwyk, 82, of Cottonwood died September 20. She was born April 7, 1928 in Oskaloosa, Iowa, the daughter of Bascum and Ted (Richmond) Umberger.
She was a graduate of Newton, Iowa schools.
Mrs. Klotwyk leaves her husband of 63 years, Max; two sons Norm and Dave, both of Arizona; two daughters Linda Allison (Vern) of Texas and Chris Siebold (Steve) of Colorado; six grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
There are no public services planned.
Gretchen Klootwyk, 82, of Cottonwood died September 20. She was born April 7, 1928 in Oskaloosa, Iowa, the daughter of Bascum and Ted (Richmond) Umberger.
She was a graduate of Newton, Iowa schools.
Mrs. Klotwyk leaves her husband of 63 years, Max; two sons Norm and Dave, both of Arizona; two daughters Linda Allison (Vern) of Texas and Chris Siebold (Steve) of Colorado; six grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
There are no public services planned.

Born on Sep. 26, 1926
Departed on Oct. 23, 2012
Max Klootwyk, 86, of Cottonwood died October 23, 2012. He was born September 26, 1926 in Newton, Iowa, the son of William and Christiana Klootwyk.
He attended schools in Newburg, Iowa and Kellogg, Iowa High School. Mr. Klootwyk served his country in the Navy during World War II.
He was self employed as a plumbing contractor for 46 years. In partnership with son David for 20 years, he built several houses in Arizona and Iowa.
After his retirement he helped friends and neighbors with plumbing repairs up to a few weeks ago. He was a member of the Verde Baptist Church. Max loved to travel the world including every state of the union. He attended games in every major baseball league stadium. Above all else Max loved his family.
He was preceded in death by wife Gretchen Umberger Klootwyk, son David Klootwyk and a great-grandson.
Mr. Klootwyk is survived by his wife Hazel; a son Norm of Cottonwood; daughters Linda (Vern) of Texas and Chris (Steve) of Colorado; a stepdaughter Cyril and a a stepson Travis of Arizona; eleven grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held Sunday October 28 in the chapel of the Verde Baptist Church, 102 S. Willard St., Cottonwood at 2 PM.

Bron: Find-A-Grave
(²) KLOOTWYK [4085]
zoon van Frederick Max KLOOTWYK [4081] (1926-2012) en van Gretchen Virginia UMBERGER [4082] (1928-2010)
getrouwd met (²) UPAH [4086]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

getrouwd met (²) PETIT [4092]
Bronnen: Opgave Pat William Klootwyk [4071].

David Klootwyk, 58, of Cottonwood died February 27.
He was born October 21, 1952, in Grinnel, Iowa, the son of Max and Gretchen Klootwyk.
He was the owner of K & K Plumbing.
He enjoyed skiing, hiking, travelling and was a St. Louis Cardinals’ fan.
Dave was loved by many and will be sorely missed by all.
He was preceded in death by his mother Gretchen and his grandson Andres.
Dave is survived by sons, Andrew Klootwyk (Kimberly) of California and Christopher Klootwyk (Nichole) of Arizona; his father Max Klootwyk; a brother, Norman Klootwyk of Arizona; sisters, Linda Allison (Verne) of Texas and Christy Seibold (Steve) of Colorado; and five grandchildren.
A reception to honor his life will be held Saturday, March 5 at VFW Post 7400 at noon
getrouwd met (²) DOMERCQ [6555]
(²) [6556]
(²) [6557]
(²) [6558]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)
Henry John KLOOTWIJK [3590] geboren op vrijdag 11-10-1895 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa, USA op maandag 15-03-1971 (75 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd op 12-04-1921 met Mary Iona ALLARD [3591] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 1905
Henry "van Buren" KLOOTWYK [7706] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 29-11-1924 overleden te Tuscon,Arizona,USA op donderdag 26-09-2002 (77 jaar)
, volgt VIIg.
Marion Edward (Ed) KLOOTWYK [7707] geboren te Pleasent Grove,Iowa,USA op woensdag 29-05-1929 overleden op maandag 07-03-2016 (86 jaar)
, volgt VIIh.
(²) KLOOTWYK [7708]
getrouwd met Willis Marion HARSIN [7709] geboren te Tracy,Iowa,USA op maandag 10-11-1924 zoon van (²) HARSIN [7710] en van (²) SMITH [7711]
Het laatste adres van Henry was 50138 (Knoxville, Marion, IA).
Bronnen: SSDI nr 478-26-1618.
Bronnen: SSDI nr 478-26-1618.

1920 Tijdens de volkstelling van 1920 woonde de ongehuwde Henry John KLOOTWIJK [3590] in Marion, Iowa bij de familie Ezra A Campbell.
Henry "van Buren" KLOOTWYK [7706] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 29-11-1924 overleden te Tuscon,Arizona,USA op donderdag 26-09-2002 (77 jaar)
zoon van Henry John KLOOTWIJK [3590] (1895-1971) en van Mary Iona ALLARD [3591] (1905-)
getrouwd met Hilda Ellen PITT [7999] geboren op 1924 overleden te Las Vegas,Nevada, USA op donderdag 18-08-2005 dochter van (²) PITT [8012] en van (²) CLARK [8013]
(²) [8004]

2005 Hilda Ellen Klootwyk, 81, formerly of Knoxville, IA, passed away on August 18, 2005 in Las Vegas, NV after a short illness.
Hilda was born on a farm south of Knoxville in 1924, the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Clark) Pitt.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Van Klookwyk and her sister, Vera Sutherland; and two brothers, Howard and Kenneth Pitt.
She is survived by five sons, Ronald (Chowee) of Las Vegas, Bob (Barb) of Green Valley, AZ, Mike (Dotti) of Indianola, Jim (Becky) of Chandler, AZ and Jeff of Derry, NH; two sisters, Helen Spaur and Hazel Wright both of Knoxville; two brothers, Gene Pitt of Oskaloosa and Robert, Jr. of Ankeny. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Her family will miss her and remember how she showed her love by the way she always made a house a "home" and always made you feel special by making you your favorite pie.
A family memorial service will be held at the Glendale Cemetery on September 15.
--Des Moines Register, September 15, 2005
Hilda was born on a farm south of Knoxville in 1924, the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Clark) Pitt.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Van Klookwyk and her sister, Vera Sutherland; and two brothers, Howard and Kenneth Pitt.
She is survived by five sons, Ronald (Chowee) of Las Vegas, Bob (Barb) of Green Valley, AZ, Mike (Dotti) of Indianola, Jim (Becky) of Chandler, AZ and Jeff of Derry, NH; two sisters, Helen Spaur and Hazel Wright both of Knoxville; two brothers, Gene Pitt of Oskaloosa and Robert, Jr. of Ankeny. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Her family will miss her and remember how she showed her love by the way she always made a house a "home" and always made you feel special by making you your favorite pie.
A family memorial service will be held at the Glendale Cemetery on September 15.
--Des Moines Register, September 15, 2005
(²) KLOOTWIJK [8003]
zoon van Henry "van Buren" KLOOTWYK [7706] (1924-2002) en van Hilda Ellen PITT [7999] (1924-2005)
getrouwd met (²) HARMON [8008]
(²) KLOOTWYK [8011]
(²) KLOOTWYK [8009]
(²) KLOOTWYK [8010]


Ed Klootwyk passed into the arms of the Lord on March 7, 2016. Born on May 6,1929 to Henry and Mary Klootwyk, he was raised in Knoxville, Iowa, and attended the University of Iowa for one year before enlisting in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. After serving 4 years as a Sergeant and writer for The Stars and Stripes, Ed returned to Iowa and married the former Charlotte Thomas in January of 1952. He also returned to the University of Iowa to complete his education and graduated with a Masters of Accounting degree.
Ed started his career in Pittsburgh, PA with Westinghouse, and was transferred after a few years to Bloomington, Indiana. He then began his career at Indiana University, where he served as Controller for over 30 years, until his retirement in 1991. He became a full-fledged Hoosier, and could be found with Charlotte and their three children cheering for the football team on Saturdays in the fall in Memorial Stadium, and the basketball team at every home game from his seats in Assembly Hall.
Ed was active all around Bloomington in the Jaycees, as the first PTO president at Childs Elementary School, a referee for Boys Club football, and helped introduce the Young Life ministry to the area. He served on the Advisory Committee and Board of Directors with the IU Credit Union for 40 years. He also served a term as president of the IU Credit Union board during his years of service as well as 2 years on a state committee for the Credit Union. He ushered services at St. Mark’s and First United Methodist for over 40 years.
During his retirement, Ed stayed active by traveling with Charlotte to places all over the world, working at The Opportunity House and Rotary Club, and still made time for his life-long love of gardening. Although he grew a large variety of fruits and vegetables, Papa’s Green Beans were a cherished favorite for many of his grandchildren.
Although Ed found joy in many people, places, and his garden, his greatest love was for his family. He provided his daughters and son with gentle guidance, and modeled for them a strong work ethic, perseverance, and a joyful outlook. As a grandfather, he loved to hear about each of his grandchildren’s activities, schooling and careers. And each time he saw them, they knew they would be greeted with a Papa Hug.
Ed was known by many and loved by all. He will, with his ever-present smile and kind word for everyone, be remembered and cherished by his family as he leaves a legacy of faith, love, loyalty, class, and quiet strength. Surviving are his wife of 64 years, Charlotte; daughters Mary Beth Curry of Ashland, MA, and Ann Winters of Columbus, IN, son Dr. Thomas Edward Klootwyk (Merilee) of Carmel, IN; grandchildren Matthew Curry (Meghan) of Cohasset, MA, Eric Curry (Stephanie) of Carmel, IN, Melissa Steinkamp (Kurt) of Mooresville, IN, Michael Winters (Julie) of Columbus, IN, Lauren Tobin (Greg) of Carmel, IN, Katie Klootwyk of New York City, and Lily Klootwyk; great-grandchildren Sophia and Ava Steinkamp, Elle Winters, Benjamin Curry.
Visitation will be 4-7pm Thursday, March 10, 2016 at The Funeral Chapel of Powell and Deckard, 3000 E. Third St. in Bloomington.
Funeral services will be 11:00am Friday at The Funeral Chapel with Pastor Joe Emerson officiating. Entombment will follow at Valhalla Memory Gardens.
In lieu of flowers the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Bloomington Hospital Foundation, P.O. Box 1149 Bloomington, IN 47402-9988.

Charlotte Irene Thomas married M. Edward Klootwyk on January 11, 1952. She left her studies in nursing at the University of Iowa to move with her new husband to Colorado Springs in order for him to complete his service in the U.S. Army. After moving back to Iowa City for Ed to complete his degree, they moved briefly to Pittsburgh before relocating to Bloomington, Indiana where they fell in love with the town, raised their family, and lived for nearly 60 years. Charlotte developed quite a wardrobe of red and white from decades of loyally cheering on the Hoosiers football and basketball teams. She was the consummate Avon Lady, Bridge Club member, and active in Monroe County Home Economics, having been named Monroe County Homemaker of the Year in 1981. True to her upbringing's frugal and resourceful ways, she managed to plan adventurous cross- country trips to expose her children to the National Parks and other wonders of the United States. Some of their most memorable and special trips were taken with her brother and his family, which enabled them to share a closeness made difficult from living thousands of miles apart. Their trips fostered her love of traveling the world with her husband. Before they ended their traveling days, Charlotte and Ed had visited every state in the US, and numerous countries abroad with The Monroe County Bank Primetime Group.
Charlotte was immensely proud and took great joy in her family. She loved her children and celebrated in their special talents, and her heart swelled with love when one of her beloved grandchildren or great-grandchildren called her "Nana". It was very important to her to give to them sentimental and meaningful gifts from her past so they would forever feel a connection to her and those that came before her.
Charlotte was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, M. Edward Klootwyk. Surviving to cherish and honor her memory are her daughters, Mary Beth Curry of Ashland, MA., Ann Winters of Columbus, IN., son Dr. Thomas Klootwyk (Merilee) of Carmel, IN., grandchildren Matthew Curry (Meghan) of Cohasset, MA., Melissa Steinkamp (Kurt) of Mooresville, IN., Eric Curry (Stephanie) of Carmel, IN., Michael Winters (Julie) of Columbus, IN., Lauren Tobin (Greg) of Carmel, IN., Katie Klootwyk of New York, NY., and Lily Klootwyk of Carmel, IN. Her great-grandchildren Sophia and Ava Steinkamp, Elle Winters, and Benjamin Curry will miss spending time with their Nana as well as Griffin, Olivia and Landin Weert. Her brother, Leonard Thomas (Dollie) and nieces Kathy Sue Krause (Steve) and Sharon Sharp (Jeff) also survive.
Calling will be held at The Funeral Chapel of Powell and Deckard, 3000 E. Third St. in Bloomington, IN from 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Thursday, August 11th with a service to follow and entombment at Valhalla Memorial Gardens. Memorial contributions may be made to the IU Health Hospice House, 2810 S. Deborah Bloomington, IN 47403.
(²) KLOOTWYK [8693]
zoon van Marion Edward (Ed) KLOOTWYK [7707] (1929-2016) en van Charlotte Irene THOMAS [8690] (1929-2016)
(²) [8698]
(²) [8699]
Lester Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3594] geboren op maandag 28-08-1899 overleden op maandag 07-04-1980 (80 jaar) , begraven te Knoxville,Iowa,USA
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd op 00-09-1928 met Josephine COGLAN (Coughlin?) [4018] geboren ca. 1908 overleden op 05-1972
Larry KLOOTWYK [4019] geboren op zaterdag 13-06-1936 overleden op vrijdag 23-12-1988 (52 jaar) , begraven te Knoxville,Iowa,USA
, volgt VIIi.
getrouwd (2) met (²) UITERMARKT [3595]
Uit de World War I Draft Registration Card van 1918 blijkt dat Lester Teunis grijze ogen had en lichtbruin haar. Zijn beroep was boer bij "De gebroeders Klootwijk".
Zoon Larry werd door Lester en Josephine geadopteerd. Josephine had bij het huwelijk met Lester al een zoon: William Joseph Coughlin die in WO II gesneuveld is in Duitsland.
Bronnen: Opgave Kathi Klootwyk [4021], World War I Draft Registration Cards.
Zoon Larry werd door Lester en Josephine geadopteerd. Josephine had bij het huwelijk met Lester al een zoon: William Joseph Coughlin die in WO II gesneuveld is in Duitsland.
Bronnen: Opgave Kathi Klootwyk [4021], World War I Draft Registration Cards.
1930 Tijdens de volkstelling in 1930 woonde Lester Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3594] (30 jaar) met Josephine COGLAN (Coughlin?) [4018] (22 jaar) in Knoxville, Marion, Iowa.

Ze woonden op N Jefferson, Indianola, Warren, Iowa, USA
Zie volledig blad1 en blad2
Larry KLOOTWYK [4019] geboren op zaterdag 13-06-1936 overleden op vrijdag 23-12-1988 (52 jaar) , begraven te Knoxville,Iowa,USA
zoon van Lester Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3594] (1899-1980) en van Josephine COGLAN (Coughlin?) [4018] (1908-1972)
getrouwd met (²) AUNSPACH [4020]
(²) [4021]
Bronnen: Opgave Kathi Klootwyk [4021].

Ze woonden op N Jefferson, Indianola, Warren, Iowa, USA
Zie volledig blad1 en blad2
Clarence KLOOTWYK [3596] geboren te Mahaska,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 11-01-1902 overleden op maandag 11-01-1971 (69 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Mary de BONT [3571] (1870-1904)
getrouwd te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op 06-09-1924 met Grace Leona MOWEL [3597] geboren te Tennessee ca. 1908 dochter van (²) MOWEL [8740] en van (²) AUDIES [8741]
Bethel Dee van KLOOTWYK [5015] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op maandag 18-08-1930 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op woensdag 24-12-2003 (73 jaar)
, volgt VIIj.
Clarice Wilma [5016] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 16-11-1934 overleden te Oskaloosa op donderdag 11-06-2020 (85 jaar) , begraven te Knoxville,Iowa,USA
getrouwd met (²) SAMS [5025]

Bethel Dee van KLOOTWYK [5015] geboren te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op maandag 18-08-1930 overleden te Knoxville,Iowa,USA op woensdag 24-12-2003 (73 jaar)
zoon van Clarence KLOOTWYK [3596] (1902-1971) en van Grace Leona MOWEL [3597] (1908-)
getrouwd met (²) CROSSLEY [5017]
(²) [5018]
Uit "The Journal Express" van 9 januari 2004:
"A Celebration of Life for Bethel Dee Van Klootwyk, 73, of Knoxville, who died Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 at his home, was held Monday, Dec. 29, at Williams Funeral Home. Pastor Steven Bagby officiated at the services. Music was provided by Janet Westberg, soloist and Darlene Mooberry, organist.
Interment was at Gosport Cemetery in rural Marion County. Casketbearers were Steve Hoehns, Ralph Klootwyk, Richard Mathes, Stu Menninga, Chuck Sims and Tom Smith. Honorary bearers were Flavian Hoch, Dale Pearson, Frank Rogers and Bob G. Smith.
Bethel was born on Aug. 18, 1930 southwest of Knoxville in rural Marion County. He was one of two children born to Grace Leona Mowl and Clarence Corney Van Klootwyk. He graduated from Knoxville High School in 1948. He was a captain in the United States Army from 1951-1953.
On April 4, 1964 he married Joan Marie Crossley in Knoxville. To this union four children were born.
Bethel farmed with his father and later his son south of Knoxville. He raised black-white face Angus cattle and Duroc hogs. He was a member of the National Farmers Organization and the Marion County Pork Producers. He was a 4-H leader for many years with the Hop-n-Hurry 4-H Club. He was also an honorary member of the Twin Cedars Future Farmers of America. He was awarded the Iowa Master Corn and Soy Bean Growers Association award in 1984 and 1985.
Bethel enjoyed traveling out west to Montana and Colorado with the family. He liked to spend free time hunting and fishing as well as reading. History and biographies were his favorite books. For many years Bethel collected antique cars. Special ones were his 1961 and 1962 Chevy convertibles and a red and white 1959 Corvette. He drove them in various 4th of July, Homecoming and other parades as far away as Oklahoma City, Okla.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife, Joan of Knoxville; a son, Logan Van Klootwyk and his fiancé, Angee Porter of Newton; three daughters and their husbands, Lori Van Klootwyk-Ladwig and Lejon Ladwig of Edina, Mo., LuAnn and Victor Markley of Kelley, and Loretta and Craig Schouten of Columbia, Mo.; a sister and brother-in-law, Clarice and Melvin Sams of Apache Junction, Ariz.; and five grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to the Hospice of Pella and Olive Chapel United Methodist Church.
Arrangements were made by Williams Funeral Home."
"A Celebration of Life for Bethel Dee Van Klootwyk, 73, of Knoxville, who died Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 at his home, was held Monday, Dec. 29, at Williams Funeral Home. Pastor Steven Bagby officiated at the services. Music was provided by Janet Westberg, soloist and Darlene Mooberry, organist.
Interment was at Gosport Cemetery in rural Marion County. Casketbearers were Steve Hoehns, Ralph Klootwyk, Richard Mathes, Stu Menninga, Chuck Sims and Tom Smith. Honorary bearers were Flavian Hoch, Dale Pearson, Frank Rogers and Bob G. Smith.
Bethel was born on Aug. 18, 1930 southwest of Knoxville in rural Marion County. He was one of two children born to Grace Leona Mowl and Clarence Corney Van Klootwyk. He graduated from Knoxville High School in 1948. He was a captain in the United States Army from 1951-1953.
On April 4, 1964 he married Joan Marie Crossley in Knoxville. To this union four children were born.
Bethel farmed with his father and later his son south of Knoxville. He raised black-white face Angus cattle and Duroc hogs. He was a member of the National Farmers Organization and the Marion County Pork Producers. He was a 4-H leader for many years with the Hop-n-Hurry 4-H Club. He was also an honorary member of the Twin Cedars Future Farmers of America. He was awarded the Iowa Master Corn and Soy Bean Growers Association award in 1984 and 1985.
Bethel enjoyed traveling out west to Montana and Colorado with the family. He liked to spend free time hunting and fishing as well as reading. History and biographies were his favorite books. For many years Bethel collected antique cars. Special ones were his 1961 and 1962 Chevy convertibles and a red and white 1959 Corvette. He drove them in various 4th of July, Homecoming and other parades as far away as Oklahoma City, Okla.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife, Joan of Knoxville; a son, Logan Van Klootwyk and his fiancé, Angee Porter of Newton; three daughters and their husbands, Lori Van Klootwyk-Ladwig and Lejon Ladwig of Edina, Mo., LuAnn and Victor Markley of Kelley, and Loretta and Craig Schouten of Columbia, Mo.; a sister and brother-in-law, Clarice and Melvin Sams of Apache Junction, Ariz.; and five grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to the Hospice of Pella and Olive Chapel United Methodist Church.
Arrangements were made by Williams Funeral Home."
Ira Nelson KLOOTWIJK [3561] geboren te Washington Twnsp,IA,USA op zondag 27-09-1908 overleden te Sunnyvale,California,USA op zondag 01-10-2000 (92 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Neeltje TOL [3560] (1880-1911)
getrouwd te Chicago,Illinois, USA op 27-11-1929 met Marie Pauline KRINGS [3564] geboren te Chicago,Illinois, USA op maandag 22-02-1909 overleden te Indianapolis,Indiana,USA op zaterdag 02-01-1999 (89 jaar)
Norman William [3565] geboren te Chicago,Illinois, USA op zaterdag 24-01-1931 overleden te Macon,Missouri,USA op woensdag 10-03-1993 (62 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) TRUSTER [3577] getrouwd (2) op 29-08-1988 met Wilma June DELANEY [3578] geboren op zaterdag 12-07-1930 overleden op zondag 12-05-2013 (82 jaar) dochter van (²) DELANEY [8702] en van (²) SEYMOUR [8703]
Bronnen: Opgave Sherron Klootwyk, San Jose, CA USA.
(²) KLOOTWIJK [3566]
zoon van Ira Nelson KLOOTWIJK [3561] (1908-2000) en van Marie Pauline KRINGS [3564] (1909-1999)
getrouwd met (²) THOMAS [3567]
(²) [3569]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)
Nelson Tunis KLOOTWIJK [3563] geboren te Washington Twnsp,IA,USA op zaterdag 15-07-1911, onderhoudsman overleden te Denver op dinsdag 01-01-1991 (79 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWYK [3557] (1865-1938) en van Neeltje TOL [3560] (1880-1911)
getrouwd te Grinnell,Iowa,USA op 02-09-1939 met Ida B. [7642]
1991 NELSON T. KLOOTWYK: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Rocky Mountain News (CO) - January 7, 1991
79, of Denver died Jan. 1. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 7, in the Gospel Lighthouse. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery. Mr. Klootwyn, a native of Dallas, was a maintenance man for Montgomery Ward. Survivors include his wife, Ida; a daughter, Marla Miller; a brother, Ira; two grandsons; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: FINAL Page: 103 Copyright (c) 1991 Rocky Mountain News
Rocky Mountain News (CO) - January 7, 1991
79, of Denver died Jan. 1. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 7, in the Gospel Lighthouse. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery. Mr. Klootwyn, a native of Dallas, was a maintenance man for Montgomery Ward. Survivors include his wife, Ida; a daughter, Marla Miller; a brother, Ira; two grandsons; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: FINAL Page: 103 Copyright (c) 1991 Rocky Mountain News
1994 IDA B. KLOOTWYK: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Rocky Mountain News (CO) - August 6, 1994
Deceased Name: IDA B. KLOOTWYK
82, of Denver died July 25 at the Hospice of St. John. Graveside services were July 29 at Crown Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Klootwyk was born April 26, 1912, in Searsboro, Iowa. She married Nelson Klootwyk Sept. 2, 1939, in Grinnell, Iowa. She was a homemaker. She is survived by a daughter, Marla Burns of Lakewood; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: FINAL Page: 65A Copyright (c) 1994 Rocky Mountain News
Denver Post, The (CO) - July 29, 1994
Deceased Name: Ida B. Klootwyk
Ida B. Klootwyk of Denver, a homemaker, died Monday at Hospice of St. John. She was 82.
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. today at Crown Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Klootwyk was born April 26, 1912, in Searsboro, Iowa. Her husband, Nelson, is deceased.
She is survived by a daughter, Marla Burns, Lakewood; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: Rockies Page: B-5 Copyright (c) 1994 The Denver Post Corp.
Rocky Mountain News (CO) - August 6, 1994
Deceased Name: IDA B. KLOOTWYK
82, of Denver died July 25 at the Hospice of St. John. Graveside services were July 29 at Crown Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Klootwyk was born April 26, 1912, in Searsboro, Iowa. She married Nelson Klootwyk Sept. 2, 1939, in Grinnell, Iowa. She was a homemaker. She is survived by a daughter, Marla Burns of Lakewood; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: FINAL Page: 65A Copyright (c) 1994 Rocky Mountain News
Denver Post, The (CO) - July 29, 1994
Deceased Name: Ida B. Klootwyk
Ida B. Klootwyk of Denver, a homemaker, died Monday at Hospice of St. John. She was 82.
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. today at Crown Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Klootwyk was born April 26, 1912, in Searsboro, Iowa. Her husband, Nelson, is deceased.
She is survived by a daughter, Marla Burns, Lakewood; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Edition: Rockies Page: B-5 Copyright (c) 1994 The Denver Post Corp.
John William KLOOTWYK [3558] geboren te Iowa,USA op vrijdag 16-10-1868 overleden op vrijdag 08-06-1928 (59 jaar)
zoon van Johannes KLOOTWIJK [3554] (1836-1917) en van Gezenna Marie Mathilda KRIJNDERS [3555] (1839-)
getrouwd met Laura I. WAGNER [7764] geboren te South Dakota,USA ca. 1875 overleden voor 1920
Zena [7769] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA ca. 1892
getrouwd te Des Moines,Iowa,USA op 24-06-1911 met Dick MESSAMAKER [7770] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA ca. 1883 overleden te Pella,Iowa,USA ca. 1957 zoon van Case MESSAMAKER [7771] en van Kate MALMBERG [7772] getrouwd (2) met (²) KING [7788]
Abbie G. [7787] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 1892
Mina M [7767] geboren te Colfax,Iowa,USA ca. 1894
getrouwd te Des Moines,Iowa,USA op 22-01-1910 met Ted LECOCQ [7768] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA ca. 1888
Josephine M. [7786] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 1896
John Alvin [7766] geboren te Colorado,USA op donderdag 16-02-1899 overleden op woensdag 28-08-1963 (64 jaar)
, volgt VIi.
John Alvin KLOOTWYK [7766] geboren te Colorado,USA op donderdag 16-02-1899 overleden op woensdag 28-08-1963 (64 jaar)
zoon van John William KLOOTWYK [3558] (1868-1928) en van Laura I. WAGNER [7764] (1875-1920)
getrouwd met Dollie Blythe [7773] geboren op dinsdag 18-07-1899 overleden op zaterdag 31-10-1987 (88 jaar)
John William [7775] geboren te Halifax,North Carolina op donderdag 12-04-1923 overleden op woensdag 18-07-2001 (78 jaar)
, volgt VIIl.
(²) [7774]
Clare O. [7790] geboren te Virginia,USA op maandag 30-09-1929 overleden te Virginia,USA op donderdag 20-03-1997 (67 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) [7791]
1963 Overlijden van John Alvin KLOOTWYK [7766], echtgenoot van Dollie Blythe (¹) [7773].
John Alvin Klootwyk 64, of 3401 Boston Street Hopewell, Virginia died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on August 28, 1963.
Born in Evergreen, Colorado he had resided in Hopewell for 37 years, where he was an employee of Continental Can Company.
He was a member of West End Presbyterian Church and a veteran of World War I.
He is survived by his Mrs. Dollie Blythe Klootwyk; two sons John W. Klootwyk of Colonial Heights Virginia and Clair O. Klootwyk of Hopewell; a daughter Mrs. William Belting (?) of Hopewell; three sisters Mrs. Zena King, Mrs. Mina LeCocq and Mrs. Linda Eggleston all of Des Moines, Iowa and five grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Saturday August 31, 1963 at 2:00 p.m.
in the chapel of the Gould Funeral Home in Hopewell with the Rev. Kennedy Smartt(?) pastor of West End Presbyterian Chrurch. Burial was in the Appomattox Cemetery in Hopewell.
Mr. Klootwyk was the son of John W. Klootwyk a long time cement contractor in Pella. He entered the service in 1917 and was in the Navy until the end of World War I.
His sisters Mrs. King and Mrs. Eggleston attended the services
in Hopewell and returned to their homes in Des Moines on the 8th of September.
John Alvin Klootwyk 64, of 3401 Boston Street Hopewell, Virginia died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on August 28, 1963.
Born in Evergreen, Colorado he had resided in Hopewell for 37 years, where he was an employee of Continental Can Company.
He was a member of West End Presbyterian Church and a veteran of World War I.
He is survived by his Mrs. Dollie Blythe Klootwyk; two sons John W. Klootwyk of Colonial Heights Virginia and Clair O. Klootwyk of Hopewell; a daughter Mrs. William Belting (?) of Hopewell; three sisters Mrs. Zena King, Mrs. Mina LeCocq and Mrs. Linda Eggleston all of Des Moines, Iowa and five grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Saturday August 31, 1963 at 2:00 p.m.
in the chapel of the Gould Funeral Home in Hopewell with the Rev. Kennedy Smartt(?) pastor of West End Presbyterian Chrurch. Burial was in the Appomattox Cemetery in Hopewell.
Mr. Klootwyk was the son of John W. Klootwyk a long time cement contractor in Pella. He entered the service in 1917 and was in the Navy until the end of World War I.
His sisters Mrs. King and Mrs. Eggleston attended the services
in Hopewell and returned to their homes in Des Moines on the 8th of September.

John William KLOOTWYK [7775] geboren te Halifax,North Carolina op donderdag 12-04-1923 overleden op woensdag 18-07-2001 (78 jaar)
zoon van John Alvin KLOOTWYK [7766] (1899-1963) en van Dollie Blythe [7773] (1899-1987)
getrouwd met Mary DAVIS [7776] geboren op maandag 09-04-1923 overleden op donderdag 25-01-2007 (83 jaar) dochter van (²) DAVIS [7777] en van (²) THOMPSON [7778]

2001 John William Klootwyk was a retired DuPont Co. employee, a World War II Army Air Corps veteran who received the Distinguished Flying Cross, and husband of Mary Davis Klootwyk.
2007 Overlijden van Mary DAVIS [7776] de weduwe van John William KLOOTWYK [7775]
Mary Davis Klootwyk 1923 - 2007
Mary Davis Klootwyk, 83, of Colonial Heights, died Thursday, January 25, 2007 at her residence. Mrs. Klootwyk was the daughter of the late, Lewis C. and Blanche Thompson Davis and was preceded in death by her husband, John Klootwyk and a grandson, Reggie Ketcham. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John Jr. (Butch) and Jean Klootwyk and a daughter and son-in-law, Charlene and William Ketcham all of Chesterfield; a sister, Margie Coleman of Colonial Heights; grandchildren, Melissa Zevgolis, Tracy Wimbrough and John Klootwyk III (Bubba); great-grandchildren, Caleb Cox, Angelique Zevgolis, T. C. Carroll and Morgan Wimbrough; numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at 1:30 P.M., Saturday, January 27, 2007 in the Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory, 2033 Boulevard with the Reverend E. D. Clem officiating. Interment to follow in Sunset Memorial Park, Chester, Va. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 P.M., Friday evening at the funeral home. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall.com.
Mary Davis Klootwyk 1923 - 2007
Mary Davis Klootwyk, 83, of Colonial Heights, died Thursday, January 25, 2007 at her residence. Mrs. Klootwyk was the daughter of the late, Lewis C. and Blanche Thompson Davis and was preceded in death by her husband, John Klootwyk and a grandson, Reggie Ketcham. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John Jr. (Butch) and Jean Klootwyk and a daughter and son-in-law, Charlene and William Ketcham all of Chesterfield; a sister, Margie Coleman of Colonial Heights; grandchildren, Melissa Zevgolis, Tracy Wimbrough and John Klootwyk III (Bubba); great-grandchildren, Caleb Cox, Angelique Zevgolis, T. C. Carroll and Morgan Wimbrough; numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at 1:30 P.M., Saturday, January 27, 2007 in the Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory, 2033 Boulevard with the Reverend E. D. Clem officiating. Interment to follow in Sunset Memorial Park, Chester, Va. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 P.M., Friday evening at the funeral home. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall.com.
(²) KLOOTWYK [7779]
zoon van John William KLOOTWYK [7775] (1923-2001) en van Mary DAVIS [7776] (1923-2007)
getrouwd met (²) [7780]
(²) [7783]
getrouwd met George ZEVGOLIS [7784] geboren ca. 1950 overleden op maandag 09-05-2011 getrouwd (2) met (²) FORD [7957]
(²) [7785]
Matthew van KLOOTWYK [6985] geboren op woensdag 26-03-1879 overleden op dinsdag 06-02-1962 (82 jaar)
zoon van Johannes KLOOTWIJK [3554] (1836-1917) en van Alida Pieternella Jacoba KEEGEL [3576] (1846-)
getrouwd met (²) de HAMER [6986]
Ellen Jeanette [6997] geboren op zondag 29-12-1907
Gilbert [6998] geboren op vrijdag 16-07-1909 overleden op donderdag 08-09-1983 (74 jaar)
Marienus [6999] geboren op donderdag 07-09-1911 overleden op zaterdag 21-06-1975 (63 jaar)
Pete [7002] geboren op zondag 19-10-1913
(²) [7003]
Esther Marie [7001] geboren ca. 1916
getrouwd te Schuyler (MO) op 02-05-1943 met George Ream HABER [7924] geboren ca. 1917
Herman Matthew [6987] geboren op maandag 17-12-1917, Machinist at Clow Corp overleden te Oskaloosa op 12-2007, begraven op woensdag 05-12-2007
, volgt VIj.
Ruth van KLOOOTWYK [7004] geboren op maandag 23-04-1923
(²) [7005]
1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)
Herman Matthew van KLOOTWYK [6987] geboren op maandag 17-12-1917, Machinist at Clow Corp overleden te Oskaloosa op 12-2007, begraven op woensdag 05-12-2007
zoon van Matthew van KLOOTWYK [6985] (1879-1962) en van (²) de HAMER [6986]

2007 HERMAN VAN KLOOTWYK: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Oskaloosa Herald (IA) - December 3, 2007
OSKALOOSA -- Herman M. Van Klootwyk, 89, of Oskaloosa, died at his home in Oskaloosa.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007, at 10 a.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa, with graveside military rites given by members of the Oskaloosa VFW, D.A.V. and American Legion. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 10 a.m., and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to either Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter or Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association.
Copyright 2007, Oskaloosa Herald / Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. (CNHI). All Rights Reserved.
Herman Van Klootwyk
Oskaloosa. Herman M. Van Klootwyk, 89, of Oskaloosa, died at his home in Oskaloosa. He was born December 17, 1917 at Eddyville, the son of Matthew Tice and Minnie DeHamer Van Klootwyk. During World War II, he served his country in the United States Army. On February 25, 1947, Herman was united in marriage to Barbara Harrison Musgrove at Lancaster, Missouri. He was a machinist at Clow Corp in Oskaloosa for 35 years until retiring. He enjoyed feeding and watching birds and squirrels in his neighborhood, and tinkering and fixing things. He was a Life Member of the V.F.W. Post 2237 and a member of Harry L. Anderson Post 34 of the American Legion.
His family includes his wife, Barbara Van Klootwyk of Oskaloosa; children: Jack (& Lydia) Musgrove of El Paso, Texas, Irena “Rena” Stone of Stephenville, Texas, Connie Van Klootwyk (& Richard Palmer) of Oskaloosa; and Cheryl (& Harlan) Miller of Grinnell; 10 grandchildren; and many great grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters: Ruth Jackson of Ottumwa and Ethel (& Floyd) Hulbert of Eddyville.
Herman was preceded in death by his parents; a son in law: Rhodney Stone; two sisters: Ellen Brown and Esther Haber; and four brothers: Marienus, Gilbert, Pete, and Roy Van Klootwyk.
Funeral services for Herman Van Klootwyk will be held Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at 10 a.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa, with graveside military rites given by members of the Oskaloosa V.F.W., D.A.V., and American Legion. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 10 a.m., and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 6 – 8 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to either Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter or Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association.
Oskaloosa Herald (IA) - December 3, 2007
OSKALOOSA -- Herman M. Van Klootwyk, 89, of Oskaloosa, died at his home in Oskaloosa.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007, at 10 a.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa, with graveside military rites given by members of the Oskaloosa VFW, D.A.V. and American Legion. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 10 a.m., and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to either Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter or Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association.
Copyright 2007, Oskaloosa Herald / Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. (CNHI). All Rights Reserved.
Herman Van Klootwyk
Oskaloosa. Herman M. Van Klootwyk, 89, of Oskaloosa, died at his home in Oskaloosa. He was born December 17, 1917 at Eddyville, the son of Matthew Tice and Minnie DeHamer Van Klootwyk. During World War II, he served his country in the United States Army. On February 25, 1947, Herman was united in marriage to Barbara Harrison Musgrove at Lancaster, Missouri. He was a machinist at Clow Corp in Oskaloosa for 35 years until retiring. He enjoyed feeding and watching birds and squirrels in his neighborhood, and tinkering and fixing things. He was a Life Member of the V.F.W. Post 2237 and a member of Harry L. Anderson Post 34 of the American Legion.
His family includes his wife, Barbara Van Klootwyk of Oskaloosa; children: Jack (& Lydia) Musgrove of El Paso, Texas, Irena “Rena” Stone of Stephenville, Texas, Connie Van Klootwyk (& Richard Palmer) of Oskaloosa; and Cheryl (& Harlan) Miller of Grinnell; 10 grandchildren; and many great grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters: Ruth Jackson of Ottumwa and Ethel (& Floyd) Hulbert of Eddyville.
Herman was preceded in death by his parents; a son in law: Rhodney Stone; two sisters: Ellen Brown and Esther Haber; and four brothers: Marienus, Gilbert, Pete, and Roy Van Klootwyk.
Funeral services for Herman Van Klootwyk will be held Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at 10 a.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa, with graveside military rites given by members of the Oskaloosa V.F.W., D.A.V., and American Legion. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 10 a.m., and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 6 – 8 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to either Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter or Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association.
2008 Barbara Van Klootwyk: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Stephenville Empire-Tribune (TX) - March 4, 2008
Deceased Name: Barbara Van Klootwyk
OSKALOOSA, IOWA — Barbara Van Klootwyk, 84, died Sunday, March 2, 2008, at the Ottumwa Regional Health Center in Ottumwa, Iowa.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, 2008, in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa. Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. today and the family will be at the funeral chapel from 5 to 7 p.m. this evening.
Survivors include a daughter, Irena Rena Stone of Stephenville.
Published March 4, 2008
Stephenville Empire-Tribune
Author: Staff Writer Copyright © 2008 Stephenville Empire-Tribune, American Consolidated Media. All rights reserved.
Barbara Van Klootwyk
Oskaloosa. Barbara Van Klootwyk, 84, of Oskaloosa, died Sunday, March 2, 2008, at the Ottumwa Regional Health Center in Ottumwa.
Barbara was born March 16, 1923 at Moravia, Iowa, the daughter of F. Gay and Irena C. Rogers Harrison. She graduated from the Fremont High School with the class of 1940. On February 25, 1947, she was united in marriage to Herman M. Van Klootwyk at Lancaster, Missouri, and he died December 1, 2007. Barbara worked as a clerk at the old F. W. Woolworth and Co. store in Oskaloosa for many years before retiring. She was a Life Member of the V.F.W. Auxiliary and served as president for 3 years, and treasurer over 25 years. She was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, and served on the Memorial Day Committee for many years. Barbara enjoyed her flowers and crocheting, and was devoted to her family.
Her family includes her children: Jack (& Lydia) Musgrove of El Paso, Texas, Irena “Rena” Stone of Stephenville, Texas, Connie Van Klootwyk (& Richard Palmer) of Oskaloosa; and Cheryl (& Harlan) Miller of Grinnell; 11 grandchildren; and many great grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters in law: Ruth Jackson of Ottumwa and Ethel (& Floyd) Hulbert of Eddyville.
Besides her husband, Barbara was preceded in death by her parents, an infant son, Bobby; a son in law: Rhodney Stone; two brothers: Dale and Claude; and a sister: Frances Davis.
Funeral services for Barbara Van Klootwyk will be held Wednesday, March 5, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 11 a.m. and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 5 – 7 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter.
Stephenville Empire-Tribune (TX) - March 4, 2008
Deceased Name: Barbara Van Klootwyk
OSKALOOSA, IOWA — Barbara Van Klootwyk, 84, died Sunday, March 2, 2008, at the Ottumwa Regional Health Center in Ottumwa, Iowa.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, 2008, in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa. Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. today and the family will be at the funeral chapel from 5 to 7 p.m. this evening.
Survivors include a daughter, Irena Rena Stone of Stephenville.
Published March 4, 2008
Stephenville Empire-Tribune
Author: Staff Writer Copyright © 2008 Stephenville Empire-Tribune, American Consolidated Media. All rights reserved.
Barbara Van Klootwyk
Oskaloosa. Barbara Van Klootwyk, 84, of Oskaloosa, died Sunday, March 2, 2008, at the Ottumwa Regional Health Center in Ottumwa.
Barbara was born March 16, 1923 at Moravia, Iowa, the daughter of F. Gay and Irena C. Rogers Harrison. She graduated from the Fremont High School with the class of 1940. On February 25, 1947, she was united in marriage to Herman M. Van Klootwyk at Lancaster, Missouri, and he died December 1, 2007. Barbara worked as a clerk at the old F. W. Woolworth and Co. store in Oskaloosa for many years before retiring. She was a Life Member of the V.F.W. Auxiliary and served as president for 3 years, and treasurer over 25 years. She was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, and served on the Memorial Day Committee for many years. Barbara enjoyed her flowers and crocheting, and was devoted to her family.
Her family includes her children: Jack (& Lydia) Musgrove of El Paso, Texas, Irena “Rena” Stone of Stephenville, Texas, Connie Van Klootwyk (& Richard Palmer) of Oskaloosa; and Cheryl (& Harlan) Miller of Grinnell; 11 grandchildren; and many great grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters in law: Ruth Jackson of Ottumwa and Ethel (& Floyd) Hulbert of Eddyville.
Besides her husband, Barbara was preceded in death by her parents, an infant son, Bobby; a son in law: Rhodney Stone; two brothers: Dale and Claude; and a sister: Frances Davis.
Funeral services for Barbara Van Klootwyk will be held Wednesday, March 5, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa with Pastor Alvern Boetsma officiating. Burial will be in the Forest Cemetery in Oskaloosa. Visitation will begin Tuesday after 11 a.m. and the family will be at the funeral chapel on Tuesday from 5 – 7 p.m. to greet friends and relatives. Memorials may be made to Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter.
(²) van KLOOTWYK [6988]
dochter van Herman Matthew van KLOOTWYK [6987] (1917-2007) en van Barbara HARRISON [6991] (1923-2008)
John KLOOTWYK [7239] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 11-1885, truckdriver
zoon van Johannes KLOOTWIJK [3554] (1836-1917) en van Alida Pieternella Jacoba KEEGEL [3576] (1846-)
getrouwd te Pella,Iowa,USA op 11-10-1915 met Anna Elizabeth van VALKENBERG [7814] geboren te Iowa,USA ca. 1887 dochter van Albert Cornelia VALKENBERG [8737] en van Johanna COMAN [8738]
Verna Mae [8736] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op dinsdag 18-07-1916 overleden te Des Moines,Iowa,USA op zaterdag 29-09-2001 (85 jaar)
getrouwd te Pella,Iowa,USA op 22-02-1940 met Fred HOEKMAN [8739] overleden op woensdag 13-02-1991
Ernest Albert [7815] geboren te Lake Prearie Iowa, USA op zaterdag 28-12-1918, truckdriver overleden op donderdag 30-09-1982 (63 jaar)
getrouwd te Schuyler,Missouri,USA op 14-09-1940 met Mathilda BRAAFHART [7825] geboren ca. 1922
Raymond [7816] geboren te Pella,Iowa,USA op vrijdag 10-11-1922, coach Football overleden te Joliet,Illinois,USA op vrijdag 18-05-1973 (50 jaar)
, volgt VIk.

Zowel John als zijn zoon Ernest waren Truckdrivers. Ze verdienden ongeveer 10 dollar per week en huurde een huis voor 10 dollar per maand.
Ze woonden in Washington Street, Pella, Marion, Iowa, USA in huisnummer 1109 achter.
Zie volledig blad

getrouwd met (²) NELSON [7817]
(²) [7820]
Carol [7823] geboren te Joliet,Illinois,USA op maandag 16-01-1961 overleden te Joliet,Illinois,USA op zondag 19-05-1985 (24 jaar)
getrouwd met (²) BROWNLEE [7824]

Zowel John als zijn zoon Ernest waren Truckdrivers. Ze verdienden ongeveer 10 dollar per week en huurde een huis voor 10 dollar per maand.
Ze woonden in Washington Street, Pella, Marion, Iowa, USA in huisnummer 1109 achter.
Zie volledig blad

1973 Ray Klootwyk arrived in Joliet in 1959 and he had a great three-year run with the Steelmen teams winning 25 straight games without a defeat, including 21 games in a row. In 1964, he moved to West to assume coaching duties and his winning ways followed. Coach Ray Klootwyk led the Tigers football team in the late‘60s. The teams won back-to-back Illini-8 conference titles in ’68 and ’69. Coach Klootwyk also known as “Tiger Ray” passed away at the early age of 50 after a battle with leukemia. As a tribute to the coach, the JT West stadium was named the Klootwyk Field. He was inducted into the Joliet Area Sports Hall of Fame in 2004.

Jannigje KLOOTWIJK [3775] geboren te Almkerk op maandag 28-10-1793, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 03-11-1793
dochter van Kuindert KLOOTWIJK [3546] (1755-) en van Antonia de KONING [3547]
Jan [3830] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 30-06-1821 overleden te Almkerk op vrijdag 31-01-1823 (1 jaar)

De oom van de overledene, Teunis KLOOTWIJK [3548], deed de aangifte.
Jenneke KLOOTWIJK [7366] geboren ca. 1765 overleden te Dussen op maandag 31-12-1810
dochter van Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773) en van Jenneke van der PLAS [876] (1720-1810)
TeunIs [7367] geboren te Dussen op donderdag 13-11-1794 overleden te Dussen op maandag 04-10-1841 (46 jaar)
, volgt IIIc.

Extract t.b.v. het huwelijk van Teunis in 1920
1810 Jenneke KLOOTWIJK [7366] wordt ook genoemd Jenneke van Klodewijk. Haar geboortedatum is niet bekend. Het is ook mogelijk dat zij dezelfde is als Jenneken KLOOTWIJK [3770] gedoopt te Dussen op 19-02-1764 overleden op 07-09-1799 maar dan klopt de ovl.datum niet. In ieder geval wordt bij het huwelijk van haar zoon Teunus aangegeven dat zij in 1810 overleden is. Bij het huwelijk van haar zoon in 1810 wordt zij als moeder en als grootouders worden Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] en Jenneke van der PLAS [876] genoemd.

"Eenparig hebben verklaard; bij eigen verklaring en bij overlevering zoals welke weten dat Janneke van Klodewijk [7366] des verzoekers moeder den een en derstigsten December van den jare achtien honderd tien te Dussen is overleden.
Dat Teunis van Klodewijk in den jare zeventien honderd drie en zeventig den derden september en janneke van der Plas den negenden maart achtien honderd tien grootouders van moeders zijde van den verzoeker beide te Dussen zijn gestorven.
Dat dit hunlieden ....... daar geene formele extracten uit de registers van overlijden en bewijzen is aangezien in de Gemeente Dussen geene dusdanige registers van dien tijd te secretarij aanwezig zijn.
Waarvan acte door de comparanten benedend ons en onzen ..... van gedane voorleezing geteekend.
T v Kloodewijk, G van Kooten, Arnoldus van Turnhout, A v Krimpen, Jan Bruys"

TeunIs KLOOTWIJK [7367] geboren te Dussen op donderdag 13-11-1794 overleden te Dussen op maandag 04-10-1841 (46 jaar)
zoon van Jenneke KLOOTWIJK [7366] (1765-1810)
getrouwd te Meeuwen op 22-04-1820 met Maaijke ROGGE [7368] geboren te Meeuwen op zaterdag 24-05-1794 overleden te Dussen op maandag 11-03-1844 (49 jaar) dochter van Arie ROGGE [7369] en van Maria GROENEBERG [7370]
Jenneke [7371] geboren te Dussen op dinsdag 23-01-1821 overleden te Dussen op donderdag 18-08-1898 (77 jaar)
getrouwd te Dussen op 01-03-1845 met Willem BAX [7372] geboren te Wijk en Aalburg op zondag 15-04-1821
Arie [7373] geboren te Dussen op donderdag 20-12-1821 overleden te Dussen op zondag 16-07-1848 (26 jaar)

Extract t.b.v. het huwelijk van Teunis in 1920

"Eenparig hebben verklaard; bij eigen verklaring en bij overlevering zoals welke weten dat Janneke van Klodewijk [7366] des verzoekers moeder den een en derstigsten December van den jare achtien honderd tien te Dussen is overleden.
Dat Teunis van Klodewijk in den jare zeventien honderd drie en zeventig den derden september en janneke van der Plas den negenden maart achtien honderd tien grootouders van moeders zijde van den verzoeker beide te Dussen zijn gestorven.
Dat dit hunlieden ....... daar geene formele extracten uit de registers van overlijden en bewijzen is aangezien in de Gemeente Dussen geene dusdanige registers van dien tijd te secretarij aanwezig zijn.
Waarvan acte door de comparanten benedend ons en onzen ..... van gedane voorleezing geteekend.
T v Kloodewijk, G van Kooten, Arnoldus van Turnhout, A v Krimpen, Jan Bruys"

Deze akte is handgeschreven. Dat kwam wel meer voor aan het eind van het jaar omdat de voorbedrukte formulieren van dat jaar onvoldoende waren. In 1821 zijn de laatste vier geboortenakten van Dussen geheel met de hand geschreven.

1848 Arie KLOOTWIJK [7373] zoon van Teunus KLOOTWIJK [7367] (1794-) en van Maaijke ROGGE [7368] (1794-1844) is op zeventwintig jarige leeftijd ongehuwd overleden.
Bronnen: BS ovl Dussen 1848-38
Bronnen: BS ovl Dussen 1848-38

Teunis KLOOTWIJK [877] gedoopt te Dussen op zondag 26-01-1766, arbeider overleden te Dussen op zondag 17-04-1842
zoon van Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773) en van Jenneke van der PLAS [876] (1720-1810)
getrouwd te Dussen op 07-11-1794 met Janna VERHAGEN [880] gedoopt te Dussen op dinsdag 12-06-1764 dochter van Gerard VERHAGEN [878] en van Elisabet VETJENS [879]
Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [881] geboren te Emmikhoven op zondag 12-08-1798, gedoopt te Almkerk op dinsdag 14-08-1798, arbeider overleden te Dussen op woensdag 25-11-1846 (48 jaar)
, volgt IIId.
Johannes van KLOOTWIJK [882] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 12-09-1801, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 13-09-1801 overleden te Dussen op zaterdag 16-01-1869 (67 jaar)
, volgt IIIe.
Kuindert [883] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 31-01-1807, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 08-02-1807 overleden op vrijdag 01-01-1808 (335 dagen)
Bronnen: BS Huw Emmikhoven en Waardhuizen 1-1825.

Er is hier iets vreemds aan de hand. In de inschrijvoing staat Johanna (dochter) i.p.v. Johannes. Ook het geboortejaar 1802 klopt niet. Hier is nog wat onderzoek nodig.

Als aangever zien we Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [881], 44 jaar, de zoon van de overledene.

Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [881] geboren te Emmikhoven op zondag 12-08-1798, gedoopt te Almkerk op dinsdag 14-08-1798, arbeider overleden te Dussen op woensdag 25-11-1846 (48 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWIJK [877] (1766-1842) en van Janna VERHAGEN [880] (1764-)
getrouwd te Emmikhoven op 22-01-1825 met Klazina DOLISLAGER [884] geboren te Emmikhoven op maandag 20-04-1801 dochter van Cornelis DOLISLAGER [5154] en van Pieternella DEKKER [5155]
Johanna [5156] geboren te Dussen op zaterdag 03-02-1827
getrouwd te Dussen op 10-09-1851 met Hendrikus van WIJNGAARDEN [5157] geboren te Dussen op woensdag 29-09-1824 zoon van Willem van WIJNGAARDEN [5158] en van Alida KUIT [5159]
Kornelis [7375] geboren te Dussen op woensdag 18-03-1835 overleden te Dussen op dinsdag 06-11-1838 (3 jaar)
Petronella [7376] geboren te Dussen op donderdag 19-04-1838 overleden te Dussen op dinsdag 03-07-1838 (2 maanden)
Bronnen: BS Huw Emmikhoven en Waardhuizen 1-1825, huw Dussen 14-1851, BS Dussen geb 1827-9.

Er is hier iets vreemds aan de hand. In de inschrijvoing staat Johanna (dochter) i.p.v. Johannes. Ook het geboortejaar 1802 klopt niet. Hier is nog wat onderzoek nodig.

Als aangever zien we Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [881], 44 jaar, de zoon van de overledene.

Johannes van KLOOTWIJK [882] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 12-09-1801, gedoopt te Almkerk op zondag 13-09-1801 overleden te Dussen op zaterdag 16-01-1869 (67 jaar)
zoon van Teunis KLOOTWIJK [877] (1766-1842) en van Janna VERHAGEN [880] (1764-)
getrouwd te Dussen op 03-05-1834 met Adriaantje de KONING [3825] geboren te Almkerk op zaterdag 07-03-1801, arbeider overleden voor 1869 dochter van Jacob Bastiaan de KONING [5160] en van Anneke VERHOEVEN [5161]
Teunis [3826] geboren te Dussen op zaterdag 21-03-1835, wegwachter en barbier overleden te Almkerk op maandag 28-03-1904 (69 jaar)
getrouwd te Almkerk en Uitwijk op 20-10-1860 met Kornelia van ANDEL [4207] geboren te Almkerk en Uitwijk op maandag 21-09-1829 dochter van Gerrit van ANDEL [4208] en van Pietronella SMEERMAAS [4209]
Anna [3828] geboren te Dussen op donderdag 26-10-1837 overleden te Dussen op donderdag 17-02-1876 (38 jaar)
getrouwd te Dussen op 13-08-1859 met Cornelis SCHOUTEN [4764] geboren te Dussen ca. 1828, arbeider zoon van Johannes SCHOUTEN [4765] en van Bastiaantje van SPANDONK [4766]
Johanna [3827] geboren te Dussen op woensdag 31-08-1842, dienstbode overleden te Dussen op donderdag 30-05-1901 (58 jaar)
getrouwd te Dussen op 11-12-1879 met Cornelis SCHOUTEN [4764] geboren te Dussen ca. 1828, arbeider zoon van Johannes SCHOUTEN [4765] en van Bastiaantje van SPANDONK [4766]
Johanna trouwt in 1879 met de weduwnaar van haar zus Anna.
Bij zijn overlijden laat Johannes na: Een perceel tuin gelegen in Dussen in de Zuid-Hollandse polder, ter plaatse genaamd de tweede polder, Kadaster E 20, groot 3 roeden en 63 ellen; Een huis en erf idem E 21, groot 1 roede en 7 ellen; Een perceel tuin, idem E 22 groot 5 roeden en 30 ellen.
De namen Johannes Klootwijk en Johannis van Klootwijk worden door elkaar gebruikt.
Bronnen: Mem. van Succ. Heusden 62-7, GenLias Almk huw 121.004-110-12, GenLias Dussen huw 121.045-2105-23-1879, BS huw Dussen 6-1834, 11-1859, 23-1879, huw Almkerk 12-1860.
Bij zijn overlijden laat Johannes na: Een perceel tuin gelegen in Dussen in de Zuid-Hollandse polder, ter plaatse genaamd de tweede polder, Kadaster E 20, groot 3 roeden en 63 ellen; Een huis en erf idem E 21, groot 1 roede en 7 ellen; Een perceel tuin, idem E 22 groot 5 roeden en 30 ellen.
De namen Johannes Klootwijk en Johannis van Klootwijk worden door elkaar gebruikt.
Bronnen: Mem. van Succ. Heusden 62-7, GenLias Almk huw 121.004-110-12, GenLias Dussen huw 121.045-2105-23-1879, BS huw Dussen 6-1834, 11-1859, 23-1879, huw Almkerk 12-1860.

Er is hier iets vreemds aan de hand. In de inschrijvoing staat Johanna (dochter) i.p.v. Johannes. Ook het geboortejaar 1802 klopt niet. Hier is nog wat onderzoek nodig.

(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
Samengesteld op:9-2-2025 10:07:27
Personen in Lib:255
Namen in deze genealogie:
van KLOOTWIJK - 19
van der PLAS - 1
de KONING - 2
van RHEENEN - 1
van KLOOTWYK - 23
de BONT - 1
TOL - 1
van STEENIS - 1
- 6
McVAY - 1
HESS - 1
UPAH - 1
PITT - 1
COGLAN (Coughlin?) - 1
de HAMER - 1