Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]

(²) KLOOTWYK [8009] daugther of (²) KLOOTWIJK [8003] and of (²) HARMON [8008]

  Pictures of (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]

  Kwartierblad van (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]

8. Henry John KLOOTWIJK [3590] born at 11-10-1895 died in Knoxville,Iowa, USA at 15-03-19719. Mary Iona ALLARD [3591] born in Iowa,USA approx. 1905 10. (²) PITT [8012] 11. (²) CLARK [8013]
4. Henry "van Buren" KLOOTWYK [7706] born in Knoxville,Iowa,USA at 29-11-1924 died in Tuscon,Arizona,USA at 26-09-2002
5. Hilda Ellen PITT [7999] born at 1924 died in Las Vegas,Nevada, USA at 18-08-2005


2. (²) KLOOTWIJK [8003]
3. (²) HARMON [8008]
1. (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]

  Timeline of (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]


  Genetic distance of (²) KLOOTWYK [8009]

Stamoudste van (²) KLOOTWYK [8009] is Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773)
Verwantschap tussen (²) KLOOTWYK [8009] en referentie Willem KLOOTWIJK [14] (1851-1918):

[(²) KLOOTWYK als referentie]


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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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