Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) NELSON [7817]

(²) NELSON [7817]
getrouwd met Raymond KLOOTWYK [7816] born in Pella,Iowa,USA at 10-11-1922, coach Football died in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 18-05-1973 son of John KLOOTWYK [7239] (1885-) and of Anna Elizabeth van VALKENBERG [7814] (1887-)
(²) KLOOTWYK [7818] getrouwd met (²) VENEGONI [7819]
(²) KLOOTWYK [7820]
(²) KLOOTWYK [7821] getrouwd met (²) RALSTON [7822]
Carol KLOOTWYK [7823] born in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 16-01-1961 died in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 19-05-1985 getrouwd met (²) BROWNLEE [7824]

  Pictures of (²) NELSON [7817]

1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

  Kwartierblad van (²) NELSON [7817]






1. (²) NELSON [7817]

getrouwd met Raymond KLOOTWYK [7816] born in Pella,Iowa,USA at 10-11-1922, coach Football died in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 18-05-1973 son of John KLOOTWYK [7239] (1885-) and of Anna Elizabeth van VALKENBERG [7814] (1887-)
1. (²) KLOOTWYK [7818]
2. (²) KLOOTWYK [7820]
3. (²) KLOOTWYK [7821]
4. Carol KLOOTWYK [7823] born in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 16-01-1961 died in Joliet,Illinois,USA at 19-05-1985

  Timeline of (²) NELSON [7817]


  Genetic distance of (²) NELSON [7817]

Stamoudste van (²) NELSON [7817] is (²) NELSON [7817]
Verwantschap tussen (²) NELSON [7817] en referentie Willem KLOOTWIJK [14] (1851-1918):

[(²) NELSON als referentie]


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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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