Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]

(²) KLOOTWYK [7779] son of John William KLOOTWYK [7775] (1923-2001) and of Mary DAVIS [7776] (1923-2007)
getrouwd met (²) [7780]
(²) [7783] getrouwd met George ZEVGOLIS [7784] born approx. 1950 died at 09-05-2011 getrouwd (2) met (²) FORD [7957]
(²) [7792] getrouwd met (²) CHURCH [7793]
(²) [7785]

  Pictures of (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]

  Kwartierblad van (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]

8. John William KLOOTWYK [3558] born in Iowa,USA at 16-10-1868 died at 08-06-19289. Laura I. WAGNER [7764] born in South Dakota,USA approx. 1875 died before 1920
4. John Alvin KLOOTWYK [7766] born in Colorado,USA at 16-02-1899 died at 28-08-1963
5. Dollie Blythe [7773] born at 18-07-1899 died at 31-10-1987
6. (²) DAVIS [7777]
7. (²) THOMPSON [7778]
2. John William KLOOTWYK [7775] born in Halifax,North Carolina at 12-04-1923 died at 18-07-2001
3. Mary DAVIS [7776] born at 09-04-1923 died at 25-01-2007
1. (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]

getrouwd met (²) [7780]
1. (²) [7783]
2. (²) [7792]
3. (²) [7785]

  Timeline of (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]


  Genetic distance of (²) KLOOTWYK [7779]

Stamoudste van (²) KLOOTWYK [7779] is Teunis van KLOOTWIJK [875] (1719-1773)
Verwantschap tussen (²) KLOOTWYK [7779] en referentie Willem KLOOTWIJK [14] (1851-1918):

[(²) KLOOTWYK als referentie]


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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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