Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

(²) KLOOTWIJK [6338] son of Jacob Leendert KLOOTWIJK [6321] (1906-1994) and of Wouterina Johanna (Anna) BOER [6322] (1907-2005)
getrouwd met (²) ? [6339]
(²) [6340]

  Pictures of (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

  Kwartierblad van (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

8. Jacob KLOOTWIJK [1980] born in Numansdorp at 24-06-1845, nachtwaker died in Numansdorp at 16-02-19199. Elizabeth MARCUS [1981] born in Numansdorp at 18-06-1849 died in Numansdorp at 04-06-193010. Leendert TROUW [2261] 11. Maaike DOOLAARD [2262]
4. Jacob KLOOTWIJK [2148] born in Klaaswaal at 08-04-1879, sigarenmaker, bij huw erkend died at 16-03-1956
5. Rijnburgje TROUW [2260] born in Goudswaard at 30-09-1879 died in Strijen at 01-05-1966
6. (²) BOER [7411]
7. (²) van OS [7412]
2. Jacob Leendert KLOOTWIJK [6321] born in Numansdorp at 01-05-1906, onderwijzer en leraar died in Rotterdam at 26-04-1994
3. Wouterina Johanna (Anna) BOER [6322] born in Rotterdam at 17-03-1907, naaister died in Capelle a/d IJssel at 16-01-2005
1. (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

getrouwd met (²) ? [6339]
1. (²) [6340]

  Timeline of (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]


  Genetic distance of (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

Stamoudste van (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338] is Cornelis Beerntsz [2500] (1490-1551)
Verwantschap tussen (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338] en referentie (²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]:

[(²) KLOOTWIJK als referentie]

(²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]
(²) KLOOTWIJK [6338]

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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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