Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KOREWIJK [499]

(²) KOREWIJK [499] son of (²) KOREWIJK [386] and of (²) POST [498]
getrouwd met (²) van GORP [4826]
(²) [4827]
(²) [4828]

  Pictures of (²) KOREWIJK [499]

1 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

  Kwartierblad van (²) KOREWIJK [499]

8. Teunis KLOOTWIJK [7] born in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht at 02-08-1879, tuinman died in Zwijndrecht at 10-04-19479. Elizabeth BAKKER [344] born in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht at 30-01-1878, (weduwe van Jan Visser) died in Zwijndrecht at 10-05-195310. Theodoor Johan AVELING [8920] born in Semarang at 23-11-1884, Planter 11. Eleonie Josephine Gerardine van WAARDENBURG [8921] born in Semarang at 26-04-1893
4. Leendert Jacob KOREWIJK [343] born in Zwijndrecht at 18-10-1916, Kapitein der Kon. Landmacht died in Nistelrode at 23-09-1990
5. Henriėtte Leonie AVELING [385] born in Klaten,Java at 19-05-1923


2. (²) KOREWIJK [386]
3. (²) POST [498]
1. (²) KOREWIJK [499]

getrouwd met (²) van GORP [4826]
1. (²) [4827]
2. (²) [4828]

  Timeline of (²) KOREWIJK [499]


  Genetic distance of (²) KOREWIJK [499]

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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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