Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]

(²) KOLWIJCK [4682] son of (²) KOLWIJCK [4677] and of (²) BLOM [4680]

  Pictures of (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]

  Kwartierblad van (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]

8. Leendert KLOOTWIJK [2567] born in Rotterdam at 18-08-1891, bankwerker died in Vlaardingen at 30-09-19609. Antonia Apolonia LEMS [2576] born in Charlois at 24-10-1894 died in Vlaardingen at 31-12-197710. Cornelis Johannes van der LINDEN [8924] born in Vlaardingen at 24-03-1890, Employee PTT died in Hengelo at 27-10-197411. Louise Elisabeth van der WAARDEN [8925] born in Rotterdam at 27-12-1891 died in Vlaardingen at 19-05-1955
4. Arie KLOOTWIJK [2581] born in Rotterdam at 07-11-1923, Controleur KLM died in Hengelo at 04-01-2010
5. Louise Theodora (Loes) van der LINDEN [4676] born in Vlaardingen at 28-07-1925 died in Hengelo at 20-05-2020


2. (²) KOLWIJCK [4677]
3. (²) BLOM [4680]
1. (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]

  Timeline of (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]


  Genetic distance of (²) KOLWIJCK [4682]

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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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