Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]

(²) KLOOTWIJK [4268] son of Johannes Cornelis KLOOTWIJK [2638] (1921-2002) and of Alida Cornelia VUIJK [4267] (1930-1985)
getrouwd met (²) PEL [4924]
(²) [4925]
(²) [6363]

  Pictures of (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]

3 objecten niet weergegeven (²)

  Kwartierblad van (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]

8. Leonardus KLOOTWIJK [267] born in IJsselmonde at 10-12-1858, machinist, zeeman en schipper died in Wassenaar at 23-08-19399. Maria Louise MEIJERS [2592] born in Nijmegen at 08-12-1865 died in Rotterdam at 19-02-192710. Hubertus Johannes van STRIEN [3778] 11. Petronella OTJENS [3779]
4. Paulus KLOOTWIJK [2596] born in Rotterdam at 09-07-1891, machinist rijnvaart,bankwerker died in Rotterdam at 24-05-1954
5. Huberta Johanna Maria van STRIEN [2635] born in Raamsdonk at 22-07-1896 died in Rotterdam at 04-12-1989
6. (²) VUIJK [4273]
7. (²) BRAS [4274]
2. Johannes Cornelis KLOOTWIJK [2638] born in Rotterdam at 29-10-1921, scheepsmachinist, reparateur died at 12-06-2002
3. Alida Cornelia VUIJK [4267] born in Rotterdam at 30-06-1930 died at 04-12-1985
1. (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]

getrouwd met (²) PEL [4924]
1. (²) [4925]
2. (²) [6363]

  Timeline of (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]


  Genetic distance of (²) KLOOTWIJK [4268]

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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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