Familytree Klootwijk

  Familysheet of Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170]

Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170] born in Hoek van Holland at 14-03-1918 died in Hoek van Holland at 21-06-1974 son of Bastiaan Johannes KLOOTWIJK [4168] (1887-1963) and of Jannigje VERMEER [4169] (1887-1963)
getrouwd te Rotterdam op 10-11-1943 met Ytske KRUIZE [4171] born at 08-08-1919 died at 14-08-1987 daugther of (²) KRUIZE [8961] and of (²) van OOSTEN [8962]
(²) [4173] getrouwd met (²) WESTDORP [4174]

  Pictures of Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170]

Bronnen: Opgave Bastiaan Johannes [4173].

  Kwartierblad van Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170]

8. Cornelis KLOOTWIJK [1734] born in Vrijhoeve-Capelle at 18-07-1803 9. Antonia SNIJDERS [1735] born in Capelle at 22-07-1814 died in Loon op Zand at 30-11-185310. Bastiaan Johannes BURGERSDIJK [4859] 11. Sientje OVERKLEEFT [4860]
4. Antonie KLOOTWIJK [4857] born in Waalwijk approx. 1851 died in Hoek van Holland at 14-01-1931
5. Bastiaantje Johanna BURGERSDIJK [4858] born in 's-Gravenzande approx. 1858 died in Hoek van Holland at 30-12-1917
6. Willem VERMEER [4861]
7. Gijsbertje PEULER [4862]
2. Bastiaan Johannes KLOOTWIJK [4168] born in 's-Gravenzande at 29-01-1887 died in Hoek van Holland at 12-07-1963
3. Jannigje VERMEER [4169] born at 24-08-1887 died in Hoek van Holland at 18-05-1963
1. Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170] born in Hoek van Holland at 14-03-1918 died in Hoek van Holland at 21-06-1974

getrouwd te Rotterdam op 10-11-1943 met Ytske KRUIZE [4171] born at 08-08-1919 died at 14-08-1987 daugther of (²) KRUIZE [8961] and of (²) van OOSTEN [8962]
1. (²) [4173]

  Timeline of Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170]


  Genetic distance of Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170]

Stamoudste van Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170] (1918-1974) is Wouter Peterszn KLOOTWIJK [2939] (1573-1640)
Verwantschap tussen Willem KLOOTWIJK [4170] (1918-1974) en referentie Willem KLOOTWIJK [14] (1851-1918):

[Willem KLOOTWIJK als referentie]


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(¹) = Modified last month
(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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