Familytree Klootwijk

Results (4 records found)

1.(²) van den HOVEN [5012] getrouwd met (²) van BEEK [5013]
2.Gijsbertus van den HOVEN [764] born in Sprang at 20-03-1880, voorman getrouwd te Sprang op 17-11-1904 met Johanna Cornelia KLOOTWIJK [744] born in Sprang at 28-08-1884 died in Nijmegen at 15-11-1933 daugther of Cornelis KLOOTWIJK [593] (1838-1885) and of Wilhelmina SNIJDERS [732] (1849-1892)
3.Jacobus van den HOVEN [5011] born in Bergeijk getrouwd te Capelle op 18-07-1918 met Catharina KLOOTWIJK [5010] born in Capelle at 29-12-1879 died in Zeist at 10-01-1959 daugther of Wilhelmus KLOOTWIJK [4973] (1848-1911) and of Willemina RAMSTIJN [4974] (-1940)
4.(²) van den HOVEN [7573] getrouwd met Theodorik Roeland (Dick) KLOOTWIJK [7572] born in Gouda at 22-08-1948, regiohoofd staatsbosbeheer died in Heerenveen at 30-09-2015 son of Dirk Rients KLOOTWIJK [4522] (1913-2011) and of (²) WITBERG [4520]

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(¹) = Modified last month

(²) = Niet zichtbaar wegens privacybeleid
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