Familytree Klootwijk

Results (3 records found)

1.Jan 't HOF van [4941] born in Oud Beijerland at 20-12-1874, rijksveldwachter died in Dordrecht at 17-09-1925 getrouwd te Raamsdonk op 22-10-1908 met Wouterdina Christiana KLOOTWIJK [4942] born in Raamsdonk at 20-06-1878 daugther of Dirk Antonius KLOOTWIJK [4500] (1855-1925) and of Johanna Cornelia KLUIJTENAAR [4939] (1855-1933)
2.Gijsbert KLOOTWIJK [1983] born in Numansdorp at 02-04-1882, rijksveldwachter died in Rotterdam at 29-01-1954 getrouwd te Numansdorp op 01-06-1906 met Wilhelmina VERMEEREN [2233] born in Oosterhout at 10-02-1884 died in Breda at 24-06-1971 daugther of Jan Hendrik Hephanus VERMEEREN [2234] and of Antonia SMITS [2235]
3.Kornelis KORTUS [3200] born in Numansdorp at 04-09-1917, rijksveldwachter getrouwd met Johanna KLOOTWIJK [3199] born in Numansdorp at 06-06-1922 daugther of Leendert KLOOTWIJK [3197] (1891-1978) and of Maartje van VEEN [3198] (1894-1971)

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